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Future wellness: spas can be transformational
Spas can be transformational
There is immense opportunity in emphasising spas as places of overall wellness and transformational change. This is being driven by a rare and powerful push and pull dynamic around wellness consumers.
On one hand, people are feeling pushed to find healing and relief from the stresses of the world, be they personal matters or global conflicts. More than ever, people are seeking release through mindfulness, spa treatments, fitness and nutrition. On the other hand, we have the pull factor motivating us toward self-improvement in response to social media feeds that display lifestyles to lust after.
These powerful push and pull forces work in our favour, providing opportunities as hoteliers and wellness providers to create positive spa experiences in an earnest desire to help people achieve greater balance of health in their own bodies and minds.
Emlyn Brown Global vice-president, Well-Being at Accor