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Glasshouse Mountains Centre Report

by Shakti Genn

The Wednesday spiritual healing circle continues with around a dozen regulars and others who join as possible. August 2022 marks two years of these weekly Zoom healing sessions. The group continues to develop in capacity with many participants active in our preparation for the ceremony. These roles may include: offering acknowledgement of country, preparing and reading texts from Hazrat Inayat Khan, leading practices, saying the Nayaz prayer, saying the names, and saying prayers (A Prayer for Peace and Khatum) to finish our session. On occasions Eqbal and Zubin each stepped in to lead the ceremony in my absence. And, over October, while I was at the dargah retreat, Saqiya and Sakina, co-ordinated the Wednesday circle and led beautifully the practices and the Healing Ceremony. Zoom works well for the circle as most of us are scattered across Australia - Queensland, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria and South Australia, and we also have participants from India, Switzerland, Uzbekistan and Latvia.


The 4th Monday of the month Healing Study group also continues this year, as often as possible. It is attended mostly by members of the Wednesday healing circle and is also open to interested others. Please contact Shakti (cagenn1@gmail.com) if you are interested in the healing circle or study group.

Spiritual Healing Zooms with our Sufi sisters and brothers in the Netherlands continue through 2022, usually on a monthly basis. The Dutch healing team of Shamsher and Rabia help co-ordinate these sessions and read the text and say the names. Dutch participants appreciate Saqiya joining these zooms with me from Australia, and her contributions of singing the wazifa and Nayaz. We are all grateful for the international Sufi friendships and the opportunity to offer service in spiritual healing at a time of so many challenges to health and peace.

Over the year I have also enjoyed participating in the Zoom Urs and Hejirat programmes and Universal Worship Zooms, as well as the serai and Australian meetings led by Pir Nawab. Joining the fifteen minute Peace Prayer Zoom, now led by Nauroz, is a wonderful way to start the day, and joining the weekly Zoom Confraternity prayer session led by Zubin is also very beautiful and inspiring.

It was a great joy for me in October to return to the dargah of our Murshid, Hazrat Inayat Khan, in the Nizamuddin Basti in Delhi for a retreat, and to see and experience the addition of the maqam for his Murshid, Hazrat Sayyad Abu Hashim Madani, to the dargah complex.

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