1 minute read

On the Wall: the ceramic zeitgeist of Shary Boyle and Kris Lemsalu Malone


It was already theatrical before going inside. The fog hung like in a noir film around Queen’s Park and the entrance to the Gardiner Museum, where Shary Boyle launched the public celebration night of her latest exhibition Outside the Palace of Me.


This museum – part of the Bloor Street Culture Corridor along with VEMU (Estonian Museum Canada) – is chock full of surprises seemingly any time one wanders in, even on a normal weekday evening. It’ll reset your system, recharge your batteries.

The excitement of enjoying art with other people was back, like a long lost friend. The room was dressed up and ready, vibrating with anticipation of the exhibit.

(Full story available via link below)

White Elephant by Shary Boyle and So Let Us Melt And Make No Noise by Kris Lemsalu Malone.

White Elephant by Shary Boyle and So Let Us Melt And Make No Noise by Kris Lemsalu Malone.

Photo: Robert Glowacki