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What was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome throughout this year?

As a Board, one of the toughest challenges we faced was writing rejection letters to various applications that reached us during our mandate, such as leadership applications or ESTIEMers applying to contribute and participate in the Council Meeting. It was heart-wrenching to see all the motivation for ESTIEM among our members and not being able to give everyone the opportunity they deserved. Additionally, balancing Board life with personal life was also a challenge we faced. We had so much motivation for ESTIEM and so many things we wanted to achieve, but at times there was just too much going on personally, making it difficult to focus on ESTIEM. Moreover, there was more operational work than expected, which meant we couldn’t always start working on the goals we set at the beginning of the year. However, we learned to put everything in perspective and be content with the things we could do for the network. It was okay if we couldn’t make time or finish a goal we wanted to achieve from the start. We learned that we needed to be happy about the things we could do instead of being sad about the things we could not do. As a wise man once said: “Everything you do is a gift.”.


What you learned during the board year about leadership and how do you think it will affect your career in the future?

During the board year, we learned a great deal about leadership. We discovered that effective leadership requires a strong vision and the ability to communicate that vision clearly to others. It also involves the skill of delegation, knowing when to delegate tasks to other people, and how to empower them to take ownership of their responsibilities.

Being a board member means being accountable for your actions and decisions, as well as for the overall success of different projects. It requires being a good listener and being open to feedback and constructive criticism. Additionally, leadership is not just about achieving goals but also about building relationships, fostering positive team dynamics and inspiring and motivating others to be their best selves.

We truly believe that these lessons will be invaluable in our future careers. The ability to communicate effectively, delegate tasks, take ownership of our responsibilities, and build strong relationships with others are all critical skills that can help anyone succeed as a leader. Moreover, the strong sense of accountability and responsibility we have developed through our experiences will undoubtedly serve us well in our future professional endeavours.

Do you have any advice for the future board and leaders?

As a Board member or a leader, it is essential to prioritize your efforts to make the most significant impact on the network. Rather than trying to do many things at the same time, focus on a few key initiatives that align with your team’s overall vision and goals. By doing this, you can give each project the attention and resources it deserves to ensure success.

Moreover, it’s crucial to work on projects that you are motivated and passionate about. This can help you stay committed and motivated, making the entire process more enjoyable and rewarding. Always remember that you are in this position to improve the network, but it’s equally important to enjoy this unique experience.

Additionally, don’t forget to have fun! While your primary focus is to lead and improve the network, your leadership year is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with people from all over Europe, work with different cultures, and expand your personal and professional horizons. Embrace this experience and make the most of it by building meaningful connections and friendships, exploring new places, and trying new things.

Finally, keep in mind that being a Board member or a leader is not always easy, and challenges will inevitably arise. However, by prioritizing, staying motivated, and having fun, you can overcome obstacles and leave a lasting impact on the network, setting a strong foundation for future generations of ESTIEMers.