1 minute read

IIt’s t’s Mango Mango Madness Madness


Summers could be an extreme phase of heat but what makes it memorable and favourite for most of us is the memories it brings. Bringing in joy for children with their holidays and giving families the perfect time to plan their vacations, summers indeed create boundless moments for us to cherish. Of course, it’s way of showing love could be immense heat along with the other perks but summer indeed is special. Another beautiful thing about this season is mangoes.


The king of fruits certainly has its way of creating magic with its varied forms. Either be thin slices, perfectly chopped squares or a shake, the flavour of this fruit truly leaves us amazed. The state of Telangana is home to some special kinds of mangoes, making it a carnival for mango lovers. With multiple varieties of this delectable fruit, Telangana indeed makes it a Mangolicious summer. From sweet ripe mangoes brightly glowing in yellow to crisp tangy green mangoes, this fruit is a delight for all of us. Here are some amazing types of mangoes that Telangana is profoundly known for.