1 minute read


Were there any similarities between you and your daughter as a child?

There were many similarities between me and my daughter as a child We both loved to dance, had a creative side, and were quite independent thinkers. We also shared a love for animals and nature, which still holds true today.


Advice you would have given your younger self about motherhood

If I could give advice to my younger self about motherhood, it would be to be patient and present Motherhood is a journey, and it's essential to enjoy the little moments and not get too caught up in the ups and downs. Also, trust your instincts and don't compare yourself to other mothers - every child and family are different.

What’s the key to raising strong women in today’s environment?

The key to raising strong women in today's environment is to instill confidence and self-esteem from an early age. It's crucial to create a safe and supportive environment where girls can express themselves, learn from their mistakes, and pursue their interests without judgment It's also important to model positive behavior and attitudes towards gender equality

What is something you and your daughter bond over?

My daughter and I bond over many things, but one of our favorites is working out together. We love trying new exercises and have a healthy lifestyle even at home We also enjoy being outdoors, watching movies, and having meaningful conversations

What is your favorite memory together?

It's tough to pick just one favorite memory with my daughter, but one that stands out is when we took a trip to Thailand We spent the week exploring the islands, snorkeling, and trying new foods It was a special time that we both cherish, travelling is always our go to.