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Were there any similarities between you and twins as a child?

My children have some of my taste buds, they individually like different things that I enjoy Especially my son has a sweet tooth just like me and is super proactive about last minute plans and has an inclination with dad about sports. My daughter is a multitasker and micro manager just like me!


Advice you would have given your younger self about motherhood

It's important to appreciate every stage of your child's development and pay attention to their subtle cues and communication, as they can reveal a lot Remember to stay positive and not worry too much because things have a way of working out in the end. Above all, I would advise my younger self not to be overprotective or micromanage my child's every move like a helicopter mom

What’s the key to raising strong children in today’s environment?

The important thing is to keep our children informed and aware of their surroundings so that they can handle any challenges that come their way with greater ease In this modern era, kids are highly intelligent and quick learners, so we should treat them as mature individuals. Secondly, we must not put too much emphasis on success and teach them to embrace failure as an essential part of life's journey. Encouraging them to move forward despite setbacks will help them build resilience and a positive outlook on life.

What is something you and your twins’ bond over?

My daughter and I enjoy bonding over cooking together, and she also loves helping me out with my work by assisting with candle-making or fabric selection. She is interested in what I do and often expresses a desire to become a businesswoman like me. On the other hand, my son and I bond over quizzes, board games, and reading books together.

What is your favorite memory together?

One of my recent favorite memories was dancing with my kids at a sangeet party. It was heartwarming to see us coordinating and having fun together. Another special memory was hosting an art party for their seventh birthday this April We invited our loved ones and indulged in an art therapy session, which they enjoyed immensely. It was an important event for us, especially after the pandemic's tiresome situation Witnessing their happy smiles was the main agenda, and it was a delightful experience for everyone