1 minute read


Were there any similarities between you and your son as a child?

One thing about us that is quite similar today and when he was younger is that we both view the world as a happy place filled with rainbows and butterflies. And, although there are many things we enjoy doing together, our shared love of desserts and ice creams stands out and we always have a super tough time controlling our sweet tooth!


Advice you would have given your younger self about motherhood

Try being more pally towards your kids rather than establishing authority as a parent. It would help you understand them better and encourage them to confide in you about any issues they face as life unfolds

What’s the key to raising strong women in today’s environment?

Daughters truly are the future and carrier of our legacies. The key to raising a strong woman is to show her how to be one! Be your best self when you’re around her and rest will follow suit.

What is something you and your son bond over?

We bond over movies and books and basically anything that includes storytelling because it gives some reality to our imagination.

What is your favourite memory together?

Scuba diving together this summer definitely has to be my favourite memory with him. The freedom of swimming around in any direction- even upside down if we wanted to is something we both cherish!