1 minute read


Were there any similarities between you and your daughters as a child?

I’m a mother of 2 daughters. Mishika just turned 2 and Miraaya just turned 7 months. As for features, my older one is a copy of my husband and I feel the younger one is like me. All mothers want their daughters to have some similarities with them after carrying them for 9 months but mostly they go on the fathers


Advice you would have given your younger self about motherhood

Don't do any less than what you can really do. Don’t limit yourself.

What’s the key to raising strong women in today’s environment?

Firstly, I hate the word scared I want them to experience everything, they should fall for them to get up stronger. In today’s day and age, I want to encourage them to pursue whatever they like, and have a voice in making decisions. will tell them to believe in themselves and be confident, and I will stand along every path. would want them to be free and share every tiny little detail of their life same as I do with my mom should never care what other people think and talk

What is something you and your daughters’ bond over?

It’s the outings, cuddles, story time, and water. We are all water babies, and I am also a kid when it comes to playing with water lol

What is your favourite memory together?

The most wonderful memory till now is when I held them in my hand for the first time and when Mishika held Miraaya for the first time, we have many more years to create lovely and beautiful memories together Being a mother of 2 girls who are 2 under 2 the less of an age gap between them, we will be the best of friends.