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Looking to buy in Oakland talk to


Talk to Dunbar Real Estate Group first

Don Dunbar R ealtors aren’t just agents. These are people who are professionally trained and understand their areas better than nobody. They will tell you when’s the right time to buy, and when to sell. When it gets tough, these are the people to go to. You have to remember that, buyers and sellers are on separate side of the table when it comes to real estate transactions. What you are trying to achieve as a buyer is diametrically opposed to what the seller is looking to get. While one wants to steal property, the other is looking for a top dollar, yet, they share one common goal, they want a sale. It is possible to close a transaction without a real estate agent. However, in most cases and in my experience, most of these transactions often miss something. It is so easy to get something wrong. Additionally, you don’t go for a real estate for transactional purposes only. Given that agents are experts in their area, they will help you navigate the complex real estate waves. If you are looking to buy in Oakland, Dunbar Real Estate Group is the company you should be looking for. Dunbar is an industry expert who understands his market area better than anybody. Let me introduce you to Dunbar Real Estate Group and tell you why you should work with this company. Industry experts Selling or buying a home is a complex process. You need to consult with experts who know what they are doing. For instance, selling a home usually requires a dozen forms, reports, disclosures and a bunch of other technical documents. If you do not have guidance on how to go about these documents, the whole process will be overwhelming, which might confuse you in the end. An expert like Don will help you prepare the best deals, and work to avoid delays and some other costly mistakes. Additionally, real estate transactions involve much complex jargon, something you might not understand. As such, it is best to leave it to experts. Objective opinions If you are new to an area, you want to know everything about it before moving in. It is understandable, after all, this is the place you probably will spend the rest of your life. Don has been a resident of Oakland for a very long time which means, he will provide you with information on the utilities, zoning, schools and more. Given that most realtors are residents of their areas, they will give you a fresh perspective and objective information about each property. When you come to Dunbar Real Estate Group, you will be guided using accurate data to help you determine if the property is what you need. Marketing Gurus As a seller, you aim to work with a person who is knowledgeable not just in matters real estate, but has the marketing power. Most of the properties do not sell due to advertising alone. A large share of an agent’s sales come from previous contacts. Dunbar Real Estate Group has connections not just in California but across the country. Don will personally prescreen and accompany qualified prospects through your property.