3 minute read

Work starts at mill site

Work has begun on the building of 46 new affordable homes at a former lace factory in Oakleys Road, Long Eaton.

The development by emh Group at the former Oaklea Mill, will include a mix of rented affordable homes and shared ownership houses ranging from one to four bedroomed homes.


The leader of the Council, Councillor James Dawson and the Chief Executive of emh, Chan Kataria officially marked the start of construction at the site. They met on site with other representatives of the council, emh and the developers MyPad.

Councillor James Dawson, Leader of Erewash Borough Council, says:

“We need more homes in the borough, particularly affordable housing for those on Erewash’s housing register, some of whom will be facing homelessness, or living in difficult conditions. Also, buying a home is out of reach for many people.

“The 46 new homes for rent and for shared ownership are really welcome. We know emh will provide well-managed, energy efficient and long-term homes for local residents.

“The council is proud of our partnership with emh and we look forward to coming back again in the next 18 months or so, to greet residents in their new homes.”

The new affordable homes will help towards meeting the housing needs of Erewash residents

It is anticipated that the homes, on Oakleys Road, Long Eaton will be completed by spring 2025.

Call B4 You Serve

If you are a private sector landlord Erewash Borough Council can provide you with free, impartial help and support to try to resolve any issues.

The council is here to help and wants to work with landlords.

Call B4 You Serve listens to landlords and helps them navigate any tenancy issues before they serve an eviction notice and can also assist by providing direct support to their tenants.

Call B4 You Serve includes:

• Support for landlords and tenants in what can be a very stressful time.

• Help to create a personalised housing plan agreed between the landlord and tenant.

• Rent arrears help and financial assessments.

• Referrals and signposting to specialist services for more long-term support if needed.

• A mediation service between landlords, tenants and the council.

Landlords can get in touch with the service by calling (01332) 641408 or emailing CB4YS@derby.gov.uk.

Keep warm and well during the colder months

Very cold weather can affect anyone, but you are most vulnerable if you are elderly and/or disabled, on a low income, have a long-term health condition or have young children.

So here are some tips on being prepared for the cold weather and saving energy costs.

Keep your home warm Heat your home to at least 18°C.

Draw curtains at dusk and keep doors closed to block draughts.

Get your heating system checked by a qualified professional.

Check your loft insulation is at least 270mm thick.

If you have cavity walls make sure they are insulated too.

Insulate your hot water cylinder and pipes.

Draught proof gaps around windows and doors.

Protect your health in the cold. Contact your GP or pharmacist about a free flu jab.

Wear several layers of clothes rather than one chunky layer.

Independent persons sought

The council is seeking to appoint two Independent Persons for five years.

The two Independent Persons will be appointed under the Localism Act 2011 to support the Monitoring Officer in reviewing complaints received against Erewash Borough and Parish councillors. In addition to this they will also sit on the Standards Committee although they do not have any voting rights.

An Independent Person may be required to consider the recommendation of a Sub-Committee of the Council to dismiss one of its Statutory Officers (Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer or Chief Finance Officer) and passing on a view to Council for determination.There will be a fixed allowance of £750 per annum.

An Independent Person will have:

• a keen interest in standards in public life.

• a wish to serve the local community and uphold local democracy.

• the ability to be objective, independent and impartial.

• sound decision making skills

• leadership qualities, particularly in respect of exercising sound judgement.

A person cannot be appointed if they are/ were within a period of 5 years prior to the appointment:

• a member, co-opted member or officer of the authority.

• a member, co-opted member or officer of a parish council in the Borough Council’s area, or a relative or close friend of the above.

For further details and to request an application pack contact Democratic Services on 0115 9071154 or by email democratic@erewash.gov.uk.

Alternatively, you can request a pack in writing to: Independent Personapplication pack, Democratic Services, Erewash Borough Council, Town Hall, Ilkeston Derbyshire DE7 5RP