1 minute read

Finalist National Merit 2022 Macy Browning

What one word would you use to describe St. Paul’s? Family.

Any words of wisdom as a St. Paul’s senior?

My advice would be to take advantage of the many opportunities our school provides and cherish every moment. The four pillars of our school: academics, athletics, spirituality, and fine arts give us the opportunity to explore who we are, in addition to making us well-rounded. I have been blessed to take part in each of these parts of our school over the past 14 years, and I cannot believe how fast time has flown by.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

Comparison is the thief of joy. Growing up, my mom would always remind me and my twin brother Matt of this phrase. It has stuck with me and is applicable in pretty much every challenge in life. People will make better grades, do better in sports, or have better hair days than you. But what matters the most is that you are doing your best, not anyone else’s.

What is your favorite thing to do outside of school?

Outside of school, I love going to eat and just hanging out with my friends. At least once a week you will find us eating at Villa del Rey, usually followed up with a quick stop for some ice cream. We are just trying to spend as much time as we can together before we spread out at different colleges.

Do you feel any one person, family or teacher, has been your inspiration for education?

My parents have always instilled in me and my brothers that our education comes before our other activities. They have helped us with countless projects, stayed up with us on those late nights of homework after away games, and given encouragement through the highs and lows. I am so thankful for them and also that they chose to place us at St. Paul’s in PreK.

What has been your proudest moment to date?

One of my proudest moments to date is winning the 6A State Championship in 2021 for soccer. By that time, I had played with most of those girls for years so it was extra sweet to share such an accomplishment with them. I will never forget the feeling of genuine joy as we held up that trophy, cried happy tears, and exchanged hugs and beaming smiles.