2 minute read

Saints Relationships Last A Lifetime

and aesthetics that our students and faculty deserve. An emphasis will be placed on supporting and enriching our faculty and staff by enhancing professional development offerings. Every effort will be made to continue to uplift and support our students and families by providing resources to help navigate these precious years as a loving family should.

As a premier educational institution, St. Paul’s will uphold a standard of excellence in our attitude, in our actions, and in our accountability. We are a family of Saints; a close-knit community. We will act as one family, everyone pulling in the same direction, united as one, together in the love of God. The expectation is to love one another; the expectation is to support one another; the expectation is to pick each other up when we are down and do so in a way that cultivates character, integrity and respect. When we allow ourselves to authentically live up to those expectations our true Saint spirit will shine through, and our bond will be inseparable. These values are essential to the St. Paul’s experience. It has been a wonderful 75 years, yet we are only scratching the surface. The best is yet to come.

Finally, I will leave you with this; it is ALWAYS a great day to be a SAINT!


Dr. Scott McDonald Head of School Elect


I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to serve as your new Assistant Head of School. I have spent the last fifteen years serving St. Paul’s in multiple capacities, ranging from teaching math and Driver’s Education, coaching football and baseball, overseeing concession stands, Dean and Head of Middle School, to now, the Assistant Head of School. I am appreciative of this opportunity and for those who have helped me along in my journey; Marty Lester, for hiring me fifteen years ago, Betty Stone, for mentoring and introducing me to the unique qualities of Middle School, and Blair Fisher, who has helped me for the last five years navigate life as a Head of Middle School. Lastly, a huge thank you to Dr. Scott McDonald, who has been an extraordinary resource in my journey from math teacher to my current role. I know that we will both continue to grow and be a resource for one another as we lead the school in the years ahead.

During my time as Head of Middle School, I have had the opportunity to be a part of some incredible transformations. The Middle School now offers a new course, iSTEM, a hands-on makerspace learning experience for students in the 6th grade. We are also putting the finishing touches on The Collaboratory Lab, which will also serve as a makerspace area for classes, extracurricular clubs, and professional development classes. The Middle School faculty team is in the beginning stage of creating a Robotics suite, which will not only house and support our Robotics team, but also serve as home to two new electives being offered next year, History and Principles of Engineering and Exploring Programming. The goal is to build a more comprehensive STEM program that will encompass grades PreK-12. I am proud of what St. Paul’s offers to our students - the ability to grow into wonderful young adults, well rounded in the four pillars of a St. Paul’s education. I look forward to being a part of the continuation of growth and watching our beloved school continue to be a leader in the community, keeping learning current and relevant.

Within my own St. Paul’s experience, my fondest are the relationships I have formed along the way. I have been able to create lasting bonds in my time as a teacher, coach, administrator, and parent. As a parent of two recent St. Paul’s graduates, I found that the accessibility of the teachers, staff, and administration helped make being a St. Paul’s parent feel special. It is my wish to pass this experience on to future parents and help make the St. Paul’s experience not only special for the students we serve, but for their families as well.

Many blessings for a wonderful and relaxing summer. I am looking forward to next year!

Go Saints!

Dan Drum Assistant Head of School Elect