1 minute read

Recipe: Egg Yolk Ravioli with Truffle and Parmesan

The powerful pairing of chef Daniele Usai’s cooking and Claudio Bronzi’s business acumen has created one of Lazio’s finest restaurants, Il Tino, now based in the beautiful marina of Fiumicino, a stone’s throw from the hubbub of Rome



• 275g of 00 flour

• 25g of semolina flour

• 290g of egg yolk, plus 1 yolk extra, beaten, to glaze


• 250g of Stracchino, finely grated

• 250g of Parmesan, finely grated

• 100g of egg yolk

• 1 pinch of freshly grated nutmeg

To serve

• 20g of white truffle, shaved

• 50g of unsalted butter

• 1 pinch of salt

• Black pepper

• 50ml of water

To make the pasta dough, add the 00 and semolina flours to the bowl of a food mixer fitted with a dough hook. Start the machine mixing and gradually pour in the egg yolks until fully mixed to a smooth dough. Transfer to a vacuum bag, seal and then place in the fridge to rest for two hours.

For the filling, place the grated Stracchino and Parmesan cheeses in a bowl, add the egg yolk and mix until well-combined. Add a grating of nutmeg to taste, then transfer the mixture to a piping bag. Keep in the fridge until needed.

Once rested, remove the pasta dough from the fridge and allow to come to room temperature. Using a pasta machine, roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 mm. Use a 4 cm round cutter to stamp out rounds from the dough.

Brush half of the pasta rounds with the extra beaten egg. Remove the filling from the fridge and pipe a teaspoon of the cheese mixture on to each of these. Cover with the remaining pasta rounds and press lightly around the edges to seal – pressing down with the blunt side of a round cutter can help achieve a neat edge.

Fill a wide, shallow pan with salted water and bring to the boil. Add the ravioli and cook

for three minutes.

Meanwhile, add the butter to a pan with 50 ml of water and a pinch of salt, then allow to melt over a medium heat to create a sauce. As soon as the pasta is cooked, drain and toss in the pan with the butter sauce to coat.

To serve, add five or six ravioli to a plate and drizzle over any remaining butter sauce. Add a sprinkle of pepper and finish with a generous helping of truffle shavings.