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Stress & Skincare by Martha Escobar

Have you experienced sudden acne breakouts or eczema flares up during stressful times? We all experience stress, and for most of us, 2020 was very stressful. According to a survey conducted by Morneau Shepell, in April 2020, 49% of respondents reported having more mental stress. It is no surprise that feeling stress is bad for our well-being. Stress also wreaks havoc on our skin. When we are under pressure or experiencing uncertainty, skin problems such as acne, dryness, or irritation may arise, making things worse.


Our bodies are brilliantly designed and created to survive. There’s a beautiful and powerful connection between our brain and skin; they are constantly communicating. When we are under stress, our adrenal glands produce steroid hormones, including cortisol, the “stress hormone.” However, when cortisol levels are too high, it stimulates oil production leading to an oily complexion, clogged pores, and acne. It decreases the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen, which leaves skin dry. It weakens its natural barrier, resulting in loss of moisture and reducing the function to self-repair. Also, chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema worsen causing flareups.


There are many lifestyle changes to help reduce stress and its effects. Unfortunately, a survey conducted by Mental Health America reported that 63% engaged in unhealthy behaviors to combat work-related stress. One of them can be neglecting our self-care and skincare. Sometimes the last thing we think about is our skincare regimen. However, following our daily skincare regimen helps prevent and decrease the adverse effects, including combating stress-related cortisol. If you are having a stressful week or day and following a skincare regimen feels overwhelming, the best thing to do is keep it simple. Keep your skin cleansed, moisturized day and night, refreshed, and protected by applying appropriate products according to your skin needs. It is simple and yet effective in keeping your complexion protected from the effects of stress and keep it looking beautiful.

Beauty Mask Ingredients

Beauty Mask Ingredients

Photo: Martha Escobar


Skincare should be naturally nourishing; our skin is exposed to many stressors and pollution every day, so it’s best to avoid synthetic and toxic ingredients. Instead, when shopping for skincare products, look for the following whole-plant elements for a symphony of nutritional components to strengthen the skin against the effects of stress and preserve your skin’s health and beauty.


Adaptogens minimizes the effects of stress, increases theskin’s intuitive defenses, and protect from environmentalstressors.

Adaptogenic herbs include:

• Ashwagandha

• Turmeric and ginseng root

• Echinacea

• Reishi, Chaga shiitake, and Lion’s Mane mushrooms


Antioxidants prevent cellular damage that causes premature aging by blocking oxidation from excess free radicals found in pollution, UV radiation, stress, and unhealthy lifestyle.

Oils and Herbs rich in antioxidants include:

• Rosehip fruit and oil

• Sunflower

• Rose

• Camellia (green tea seed) oil

• Sea buckthorn berry and oil

• Pomegranate seed oil

• Marula oil


Soothe inflamed itchy, irritated, and skin discomfort caused by stress, hormonal fluctuations, or other factors. Help promote skin’s ability to heal, purify, and balance.

Soothing and Anti-inflammatory:

• Pomegranate seed oil

• Calendula

• Aloe Vera

• Chamomile

• Chickweed

• Rosemary

• Turmeric

• Gotu Kola

• Hibiscus


Plan and reserve the perfect time and day for your pampering session. Then, in the comfort of your bathroom, you can create a relaxing retreat by lighting aromatherapy candles, prepare a soothing tea, and set the mood with relaxing music. Have your soft towels, robe and slippers, and materials ready. Here are naturally nourishing recipes to include in your pampering sessions.


Indulge your skin with a relaxing mini facial mask in the comfort of your own home. Reserve at least 20 minutes every week. You’ll need a small porcelain or glass bowl to mix ingredients to create your mask and discard any leftovers.

Purifying and Moisturizing Mask

4 tsp powdered oats

1 tbsp of mashed green banana

2 mashed strawberries

1 tbsp of distilled water or milk

Blend all ingredients into a paste, add more water if needed. Massage onto face and neck using circular motions. Rinse after 15 minutes.

Relaxing Bath Soak

Relax muscles, soothe skin irritation and soften skin

• 2 cups of Apple cider vinegar

• 5 tbsp of dried Rosemary (10 Tbsp fresh rosemary)

• 2 cups of hot water

Step 1: Pour hot water over rosemary and cover. Step 2: Steep for 15 minutes and strain. Step 3: Add vinegar and tea to bathwater.


Always treat yourself with love and kindness, especially under stressful times. Following a daily and weekly relaxing self-care regimen purifies and supports your well-being and growth. Make it a habit to reserve time to relax your mind and body away from stress. You, your skin, and your body deserve the best of care, love, and peace.

Martha Escobar, ELLA Beauty Editor

Martha Escobar, ELLA Beauty Editor

Photo: Martha Escobar

Martha Escobar is the Founder of Peluzzi Organica and also ELLA Beauty Editor! Support her organic plant-based beauty brand at www.peluzziorganica.com or follow on Instagram @PELUZZIORGANICA