6 minute read

The Health Benefits of Nature


親近自然 沐浴心靈

By Ashley Turner

While there are blessings to living in our modern world, we would be wise to remember our roots are in the natural world.

THIS ARTICLE ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN RADIANT LIFE MAGAZINE. I t’s long been known, especially among natural health enthusiasts, that connecting with nature has a profound impact on health and well-being. Unfortunately, many aspects of our modern world take us further from nature, with detrimental consequences to our overall health. Working long hours indoors, eating convenience foods, constantly using technology, and absorbing environmental toxins all come to mind. While there are blessings to living in our modern world, we would be wise to remember our roots are in the natural world.


Nature is highly therapeutic. While it’s preferred to spend as much time as possible in nature, research shows that even just five minutes can be beneficial.

In How to Raise a Wild Child, Scott Sampson, Ph.D., the paleontologist and science communicator who hosted the PBS Kids hit Dinosaur Train, summarizes the importance of our time in nature.

“Nature’s impact extends far beyond physical fitness, encompassing intellectual and emotional health, self-identity, and basic values and morals.”

He notes that time in nature can enhance healing, reduce stress, increase creativity, and improve self-esteem.

“Nature also has an unparalleled capacity to stir our emotions, fostering raw and powerful feelings of wonder, awe, mystery, joy—and, yes, fear. Smelling a wildflower in an alpine meadow, sprinting into the ocean surf, and sharing a face-to-face encounter with a coyote are all experiences that differ mightily from virtual alternatives.”

眾所周知,親近大自然能讓我們身心受益,但便捷的現 代生活讓我們遠離了自然:我們呼吸著汙濁的空氣,長 期伏案工作、吃快餐、玩手機⋯⋯在城市的塵囂裡,我 們不應該忘記,大自然孕育、撫養了人類,我們的生命本 源仍根植於這廣袤的自然裡。


大自然能治癒心靈,在戶外待的時間越久越好。研究表 明,即使只花5分鐘接觸大自然,也會從中受益。 在《如何培養孩子的野性》一書中,Scott Sampson 博士總結道:「在戶外活動不僅能強身健體,還能益人 神智、淨化心靈,大自然能幫助我們接納自己,培養基 本的價值觀。」Sampson 博士是一位古生物學家兼科 技傳播學者,曾主持 PBS 熱門兒童節目《恐龍列車》。 他指出,置身大自然能撫慰身心、緩解壓力、刺激創造 力、提升自尊心。大自然的力量是無與倫比的,她能刺 激我們的感官,帶我們體驗奇妙、驚歎、神祕、愉快、恐 懼等感覺。高山草甸上野花的香味,在海浪中穿梭,和 郊狼面面相覷⋯⋯這些獨一無二的體驗,可能與虛擬世 界帶給我們的感受,大相逕庭。

Research-Backed Health Benefits of Nature

研究表明,大自然能帶來如下好處: • Reduces stress 減輕壓力 • Boosts mood 改善情緒 • Supports the immune system 增強免疫力 • Lowers blood pressure 降低血壓 • Increases focus 提升專注力 • Accelerates healing 加速傷口癒合 • Increases energy 保持精力充沛 • Improves sleep 改善睡眠品質

Earthing is a simple, readily available therapy to gain energy “nutrition” from the surface of the earth.


EARTHING Earthing, or grounding, means having your skin in direct contact with the ground, connecting with the electrical currents coming from the ground. Much like how a house will have a copper cable dug into the earth to ground the electrical system, humans can also discharge any excess electrons by physical contact with the earth. This is usually done by coming into contact with the earth with bare feet.

Research suggests that the benefits of grounding include decreased stress, improved sleep, reduced inflammation, normalization of the cortisol circadian rhythm, and a shift of the autonomic nervous system from the sympathetic (responsible for fight and flight) toward the parasympathetic (responsible for rest and digestion). Grounding has also been shown to increase heart-rate variability, accelerate wound healing, improve blood viscosity, and reduce pain. This is a new area of research, and I would suggest that there are far more benefits than have been studied or quantified. Earthing is a simple, readily available therapy to gain energy “nutrition” from the surface of the earth.

How to Do It • Remove footwear and stand or walk barefoot. • Recognize that dirt, grass, rocks, and concrete are all conductive to the earth’s electrical currents. • Visit a barefoot-friendly beach. • Plant a garden and go barefoot while tending it. • While earthing, include other healing practices such as mindfulness meditation, prayer, or deep breathing. 該怎麼做?

接地 接地是指讓肌膚直接接觸大地,連上大地電流。就像你 家裡有一根銅線埋在地下、連接電力系統一樣,我們也 可以通過親身接觸大地,釋放多餘的電子。科學研究表 明,光腳站在地上,能緩解壓力、改善睡眠、減少炎症、 促進皮質醇正常分泌。我們的自律神經由兩種神經系統 交替支配:交感神經會讓我們處於興奮狀態,也被稱為 「戰鬥與逃跑的神經」。副交感神經恰恰相反,在我們 休息時發揮作用,促進消化,而接觸地面能讓我們轉向 後者,身心歸於平靜。研究證實,接觸地面能提高心率 變異性,加速傷口癒合,改善血液黏稠度,減輕疼痛。「接 地」對於科學家而言,仍然是一個陌生的領域,它的更 多益處還有待發掘。 接地療法十分簡單,能讓我們吸收大地的「養分」。 以下介紹其方法:

接地療法: • 脫掉鞋襪,光腳站著或行走 • 泥土、草地、石頭和混凝土都是大地電流的傳導物 • 度假時赤腳在海灘散步 • 光著腳打理花園 • 赤腳行走時正念冥想、祈禱或深呼吸

HELIOTHERAPY Natural light is a nutrient that the body needs because of its ability to energize cells. In fact, there are over 8,000 research articles documenting the health benefits of light. Through a process called photobiomodulation, light imparts change at the cellular level. Perhaps the most effective, and certainly the most readily available light source is the sun.

Sunlight is particularly helpful in powering the body’s natural vitamin D production. Vitamin D is a hormone created when the skin absorbs sunlight. Beyond numerous health benefits, it's protective against chronic illness and autoimmune disease. It's also essential for an effective immune response.

How to Do It • Work up to 15 minutes of daily, unhindered sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. • Expose as much skin as possible for optimal benefit. • Avoid toxic sunscreens (many are especially toxic for aquatic life). • Use protective clothing for prolonged sun exposure. 日光浴療法 人體需要自然光,為細胞提供能量。超過 8,000 篇學 術論文都論證了光照對人體健康的益處。在光生物調節 (PhotoBioModulation,PBM)過程中,我們的細胞 也會產生變化。對於人來說,太陽是最有效、最容易獲 得的光源。曬太陽能促進身體產生天然的維生素 D,預 防慢性疾病及自身免疫性疾病,提升免疫力。

怎麼曬太陽? • 在早上 10 點到下午 3 點之間,每天直曬 15 分鐘 • 曬太陽時穿得少一些,效果更佳 • 使用友善海洋的防曬霜(有些防曬品的有效成分, 會對海洋生物造成危害) • 若長時間曝曬,請穿防曬服


AIR It is estimated that people spend 90 percent of their time indoors, where the air quality is often two to five times more toxic than outside. Indoor air contaminants can include ozone, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pathogens, mycotoxins from mold, and particulate matter from chemicals, heavy metals, acids, and dust. Paint, plastics, flooring, furniture fabric, cleaning supplies, and more contribute to this toxic load. Implementing the strategies below can reduce the toxins you are exposed to in the air you breathe.

How to Do It • Spend time outside breathing fresh air. • Open windows when the weather to circulate the air. • Keep houseplants to naturally cleanse the air. • Diffuse air-purifying essential oils such as lemon, lavender, orange, lemongrass, or melaleuca. • Burn nontoxic beeswax candles instead of paraffin. • Avoid toxic cleaning products. • Install an air purifier in your home. • Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke. • Properly clean and remediate water damage to avoid mold exposure. • Choose “no-VOC” products, such as paint. 留心事項

空氣 我們 90% 的時間都待在室內,而室內空氣的汙染程度, 往往比室外高二到五倍。室內空氣的汙染物包括:臭氧、 揮發性有機化合物(VOCs)、病原體、霉菌毒素,以及 化學品、重金屬、酸和灰塵產生的微粒物質等。油漆、 塑膠、地板、家具棉料、清潔用具等,也可能帶來有毒 物質。以下小貼士可以幫助減少室內空氣的毒素。

空氣清淨貼士 • 到室外呼吸新鮮空氣 • 天氣好的時候,開窗通風透氣 • 種植植物,淨化空氣 • 使用淨化空氣的精油,如檸檬、薰衣草、橙子、 檸檬草或者白千層 • 用無毒的蜂蠟替代石蠟 • 不使用化學成分的清潔產品 • 安裝空氣清淨器 • 不吸菸,也不吸二手菸 • 擦乾水漬,避免長霉 • 購買不含 VOCs 的產品

WATER There's nothing more foundational to health than clean water. Although the United States has a relatively clean water supply compared to many parts of the world, there's still cause for concern with public water. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) tested 48,712 water utilities in 50 states and found 267 contaminants in public water supplies. Some of the problematic toxins found were heavy metals (including lead and arsenic), pesticides, fluoride, chemical fertilizers, VOCs, medications, and radiological contaminants.

These toxins have been linked to an increased risk of cancer, brain and nervous system damage, developmental harm in children or fetuses, fertility problems, and hormone dysfunction. Infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems are the most susceptible to these harmful toxins. Making sure you have clean water can significantly reduce your exposure to environmental toxins.

How to Do It • Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of clean, filtered water per day. • Consider other sources of hydration such as bone broth, water kefir, herbal tea, and fruits and vegetables. • When on the go, bring a glass or stainless steel water bottle with you to ensure you have quality water and to help keep track of your water intake. • Consider a quality whole-house water filter for drinking, cooking, and bathing. • Avoid tap water as much as possible. • Avoid plastic water bottles. • Choose mineral water in recyclable glass bottles when purchasing water on the go. 水 乾淨的水源對人體健康至關重要。儘管美國的水源比其 他許多國家都乾淨,公共用水還存在一些問題。環境工 作組織(EWG)曾在各州檢測了 48,712 個公共供水設 施,發現了 267 種汙染物,如重金屬(鉛和砷)、殺蟲 劑、氟化物、化肥、揮發性有機化合物、各種藥物及放 射性汙染物。這些毒素可能會致癌、損傷大腦及神經系 統、影響兒童和胎兒生長發育、造成不孕和激素功能紊 亂等。兒童、孕婦、老人及免疫系統受損的人群,最可 能受到水中毒素的影響,因此,保證乾淨的水源可以大 大減少環境毒素。

淨水小貼士 • 每天飲水量應至少是人體體重的一半,請飲用清潔的 過濾水 • 食用大骨湯、發酵乳、茶水、水果和蔬菜來補充水分 • 隨身攜帶玻璃杯或不鏽鋼水杯,以便隨時飲用乾淨水, 並記錄飲水量 • 在家中使用全屋淨水器,用於飲用、烹飪和洗澡 • 盡量少飲用自來水 • 不用塑膠水瓶 • 外出購買水時,選擇可回收玻璃瓶裝的礦泉水