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Traditional Japanese Archery A moving meditation that tones the body and quiets the mind



A moving meditation that tones the body and quiets the mind


By Jennifer Margulis

You may never have considered trying traditional Japanese archery—kyudo—but it offers a profound form of exercise that combines physical activity with mental clarity.

In 1948, a slender paperback titled Zen in the Art of Archery by German philosophy professor Eugen Herrigel, introduced Westerners, particularly Americans, to Zen Buddhism. But this is not a book on meditation; it is a book on Japanese archery.

Herrigel had taught in Japan, where he became interested in Zen. He was advised to approach learning Zen through one of the Zen arts, such as calligraphy, archery, flower arranging, or the tea ceremony. Herrigel chose archery and narrated his struggle to do it in the Zen way, letting go of his rationalist habits and learning to trust the intuitive and mystical “Way of the bow.”

Mindfulness is much sought after. But anyone who has tried meditation knows that it can be challenging to empty your mind. This is partly why Herrigel was advised to choose a physical art in which Zen practice is embodied. Traditional Japanese archery is highly formalized, and even the slightest movement has been prescribed and honed to the utmost gracefulness and efficiency. You cannot practice kyudo without attending closely to your body and breath.

日本弓道,是一種結合身心靈的鍛鍊。學習弓道是 一種深刻而特殊的體驗。 1948 年,德國哲學教授 Eugen Herrigel 寫了 一本薄薄的平裝書《箭藝與禪心》(Zen in the Art of Archery),將「禪」的思想介紹給西方人,特 別是美國人。這本書不是關於打坐靜心的,而是關 於日本弓道的書。Herrigel 在日本教授哲學期間, 「禪」引起了他的興趣。有人跟他說,最好是透過諸 如書道、弓道、花道或茶道等方式來理解禪,最終 他選擇了弓道。他在書中敘述了自己走向禪之道的 掙扎,如何放下對理性主義的執著,並學著相信自 己直覺的過程,當然,還有神祕的弓之道。 近來,「正念覺知」(Mindfulness)備受推崇, 不過任何嘗試過打坐的人都知道,想在打坐中讓腦 中清淨、無雜念,是非常困難的事,這也是為什麼

A MARTIAL ART Close your eyes for a moment. Think of the sound an arrow makes as it is released from a bow. In your mind, you are probably hearing a “thwoosh,” a cross between a “whoosh” and a “thwang.” But that’s not the sound you will hear when you shoot an arrow in the Japanese style.

Traditional Japanese archery uses very large bows made from bamboo. When you release an arrow— which your sensei won’t allow you to do until you’ve done dozens of hours of preparation—you hear a high-pitched whistle. When your arrow hits the target, it makes a clattering noise, like bamboo chimes blown together by the wind.

My husband, 53, has been enthusiastic about archery since he got his first toy bow at the age of 7. Since high school, he has wanted to learn kyudo, but has never lived near one of the few places in the United States where it is practiced, until now. He recently found a kyudo center and a sensei to teach him.

“I like how I feel like I’m engaging with archery in a deeper way,” he told me. “Kyudo is not about hitting the target. The objective is inside yourself.”

Kyudo is done in a special building with one wall open to an outdoor target range. The archers stand perpendicular to the target with their legs splayed widely apart. They stand indoors and shoot out through the open wall toward the outdoor target. Every movement is formalized into a graceful ritual, from the first step into the room through the stance and the bow draw. Even where the archer looks and the timing of the breath are formalized. This is very different from Western archery. It is a moving meditation.

The bamboo bow is about seven and a half feet long and asymmetrical. It is too long to hold in the middle, as in Western archery, so the kyudo archer must learn to hold it a third of the way up from the bottom. The bow makes the shape of a sail above the archer when it is drawn. The arrows are large, too— more than a meter long—and the string must be drawn further back than in the archery Westerners are used to, far behind the archer’s head.

A MIND-BODY WORKOUT “Kyudo,” in Japanese, means the Tao (Way) of the bow. Japanese archery developed over millennia from its origins in hunting and warfare into the highly technical form the samurai perfected.

有人建議 Herrigel 挑一種帶有禪意的藝術來學習禪。 傳統日本弓道非常嚴謹,即使是最微小的動作都有其規 矩,並需力求優雅、精煉,使動作達到最好的效能。要 修習弓道,就一定要仔細地覺察身體的律動和呼吸。

動中有靜 武中有藝 現在,不妨閉眼片刻,想像箭從弓彈射出去的聲音。你 的腦海中,可能會聽到「嗖咻」的一聲,一種介於「咻」 和「嗖」的聲音。但這可不是日式射箭會發出的聲音。 傳統日本箭術使用的是一種非常長的竹弓,放箭 時,會聽見一聲高聲調的哨聲。當然師父不會隨便同意 你放箭,除非事先已經先投入了長時間的準備與調整。 當箭射中箭靶時,會發出吭啷的響聲,就像竹製風鈴同 時被風吹響的聲音。 筆者的丈夫,今年 53 歲,從 7 歲時第一次拿到玩 具弓箭組起就非常熱愛射箭。他高中時就很想學弓道, 無奈家附近並沒有任何可以學習日本弓道的地方,而美 國教授弓道的地方本就不多見。直到最近,他終於找到 學習弓道的場所以及願意指導他的師父。 「與箭術深刻連結的感覺令我醉心,」他說。「弓道 目的不在於射中靶心,而在人心。」 弓道場的場地特殊,需打通一面牆並朝向戶外的靶 場。射箭者兩腳岔開,與箭靶呈垂直,射手站在室內屋 簷下射向位於戶外的靶。每道動作都嚴謹如儀式般,從 踏進道場的第一步起,到站立、定位、拉弓皆是如此。 甚至射箭者的眼神方向,以至呼吸的頻率都有其形式, 與西式射箭迥異,是一種動態的冥想方式。 日式竹弓長約 2.3 公尺,且上下不對稱。由於弓身 實在太長,無法如西式弓一般從中間握住,因此弓道射 手必須學習如何握住從下往上三分之一處的弓身。當弓 拉緊時,弓的上半部形如帆船。不僅是弓,箭也很長, 超過 1 公尺,且拉弦時的手超過射手的頭後方許多,幅 度也比西式射箭還要大。

身有所向 意有所本 日本弓道已有上千年的歷史,最初主要是用於狩獵和戰 事,漸漸由武士發展為高度儀式化的弓道。在西元1500 年後,弓箭逐漸被槍砲火藥取代,武士們將射箭轉化為 一種自我修練的方式,因而傳統弓道被保存了下來。 弓道沉靜安定的本質,讓其乍看之下不像體育活 動,不過僅半小時的弓道訓練,不僅能沉澱心緒,同時 也是全身性的鍛鍊。弓道會運用到幾乎上半身的所有肌 肉,還有大、小腿及核心肌群。 弓道是左手持弓,右手拉弦,由於這個動作無法 均衡運用左右兩側的肌肉,因此肌肉也無法藉此平衡發 展。不過無論使用身體的左邊還是右邊,這項運動都是 需要全身投入的,因此,前胸、腹部和背上的肌肉群都 會派上用場。

Japanese archery has evolved from a sport or martial art to a meditative discipline.

As guns overtook archery’s importance in war in the 1500s, samurai preserved traditional archery by evolving it into a form of self-cultivation.

The serene nature of this archery practice may not seem like exercise at first glance. But half an hour of it not only benefits your mind; it also gives you a fullbody workout. Kyudo engages nearly every muscle in the upper body, as well as your calves, glutes, and core.

Bows are drawn to one side. Since the motion is asymmetrical, you might assume that your muscles would develop unevenly. Yet both the left and right sides of the body are fully engaged, and your chest and stomach muscles are worked as well as your back muscles.

There is an isometric component to archery— a static contraction of muscle without any visible movement in the joint. You have active pullback from the bow, and must hold it at full draw.

等長收縮(Isometric contraction)是射箭運動 的要素之一。等長收縮是一種靜態的肌肉收縮模式,當 肌肉收縮時關節沒有明顯位移,較能維持關節穩定。拉 弓時,由於弓弦會產生很大拉力,需要費很大力氣才能 維持滿弓。已有證據顯示,等長收縮運動對身體非常有 益處。根據 Edward R. Laskowski 醫師的說法,等長 收縮運動可以緩解關節炎以及低血壓。

想試試射箭嗎? 在日本以外的弓道中心不多,不過射箭則是幾乎隨處可 學的運動。 雖然有些政府單位限制練習射箭,不過許多地方可 以在自家後院練習。如果你對射箭感興趣,那麼選擇非 常多元了:你可以嘗試用弓箭打獵、弓箭射魚、3D 射 箭(一種類似打獵的射箭活動,在森林中各處設置真實 大小的動物模型,並像高爾夫一樣用點數卡紀錄成績), 或者攻防箭(archery tag,一種類似躲避球的射箭競 賽,使用海棉製箭頭)。

Isometric exercise has been shown to be highly beneficial. According to Dr. Edward R. Laskowski, isometric exercise can help patients suffering from arthritis and may also help lower blood pressure.

INTERESTED IN ARCHERY? There are only a few dozen kyudo centers outside of Japan, but archery is a sport you can do almost anywhere.

Some municipalities place limits on shooting a bow, but in many places, you can practice in your backyard. If you become interested in archery, you open up a wide range of other activities: You can try bowhunting, bow fishing, 3D shoots (a course through the woods with a series of life-size foam animals to shoot at, with a scorecard like golf), or even archery tag or a dodgeball-like game using foamtipped arrows.

You don’t need a giant kyudo bow or an expensive mechanical compound bow, like hunters use, to enjoy archery. Before you buy your own bow, consider taking an archery class at a local range or recreation center that can provide the required equipment.

If you take to the sport, the equipment you need (a bow, arrows, archery glove, quiver, target, and backstop) can be purchased at an archery store, where you can try out different brands and models. Basic equipment can be quite inexpensive and can also be found used for even less.

If you want to practice at home, but don’t have a backyard space or an appropriate backstop, just use foam-tipped arrows, widely available for live-action role playing. For safety reasons, foam-tipped arrows are a good choice for beginners and young children.

If you would like to study kyudo, you can find a sensei by contacting American Kyudo Renmei, a nonprofit organization with a mission to promote Japanese archery in the Americas. The states where kyudo is being practiced include California, Georgia, Indiana, Minnesota, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington.

你不需要擁有巨大的日式弓,或者獵人用的那種昂 貴的機械複合弓,才能享受射箭帶來的樂趣,在你買一支 屬於自己的弓之前,可以考慮先就近在所在地的射場參加 射箭課程,或先在提供射箭設備的運動休閒中心體驗看看。 當你真的喜歡上射箭之後,所有需要的設備(弓、箭、 射箭手套、箭袋、靶和擋箭布)都可以在射箭用品店買到, 並實際試用不同品牌、型號。初級設備通常不會太昂貴, 如果選擇二手用品則會更便宜。如果想在家練習,但後院 不夠大,或者沒有適合的擋箭布,可以使用常見於真人實 景角色扮演活動中的海綿箭頭,這種箭頭對初學者或兒童 而言,也比較安全。 如果想學弓道,可以透過美國弓道聯盟(American Kyudo Renmei)找到師父。美國弓道聯盟是專門在美國 推廣日本弓道的非營利組織。在加州、喬治亞州、印第安 納州、明尼蘇達州、北卡羅來納州、南卡羅來納州、維吉 尼亞洲和華盛頓州都有人學習弓道。

Left: Each movement in Japanese archery is honed to achieve the upmost gracefulness. _Cathrin Mueller/ Getty Images

Right: In Japanese archery, the archer stands in a semi-indoor space facing targets outside.


Different Forms of Archery

Western archery: “Mediterranean archery”—the type of archery most people in the West are familiar with—is what children in the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts learn. This archery style has been part of the modern Olympic games since 1900. Important during the Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453), it was practiced with English longbows. After the Middle Ages, this form of archery was barely practiced for 400 years, and came back into favor in the 19th century as a leisure pastime. In Western archery, you stand perpendicular to the target, use three fingers to pull the bow, and draw the string back, with your right hand, to just in front of your face.

Korean archery: Korean archery is at the root of Korean cultural identity and is still much revered today, as the practice of archery was how the Koreans preserved their independence for centuries. In Korean archery, you use a very short, very curvy bow that is pulled with a special thumb ring, and you shoot at targets about 150 yards away—about twice the distance of targets in the Olympics.

Chinese traditional archery: Although the art of traditional Chinese bowmaking was nearly lost during the Cultural Revolution, Chinese traditional archery is making a comeback both in China and abroad. This form of archery uses a three-layered, curvy medium-length bow, made of wood, water buffalo horn, and sinew. Archers use the “inchworm technique,” in which the elbow of the drawing arm is pulled up overhead like an inchworm. China has embraced many forms of archery in its long history, and its importance is reflected in the fact that today, there are more than 100 million people named Zhang—“Archer” in Chinese.

Tatar and Mongolian archery: The Tatars and Mongols excelled in horseback archery, shooting at their foes while galloping on the short ponies of the Asian Steppes. They used very short and curvy three-layered bows. Horseback archery, Genghis Khan’s weapon of conquest in large swaths of Asia, allowed his men to be fast and mobile as they fought their enemies.


西洋箭術:「地中海式射箭」是最受西方大眾所熟知的 一種,即童子軍們所學的門類。這種射箭形式自1900年 起,便是奧運會的其中一個項目。在英法百年戰爭(西 元1337~1453年)中扮演著重要的角色 ,當時用的是英 式長弓。中世紀後,這種弓法沉寂了近四百年,在19世 紀時捲土重來,搖身一變成為休閒活動。西式射箭中, 射手跟靶成垂直,用右手3根手指頭拉弦,弦最多只會 拉到臉側,不會再往後拉。

韓國箭術:韓國箭術的根源是 韓國的文化認同,時至今日 仍備受尊崇,因為數世紀 來,箭術是韓國人得以維 持獨立的重要方式。韓國箭術使 用一種很短、彎曲幅度很大的弓, 拉弓時需要搭配使用特殊的扳指, 射向140公尺(約150英尺)遠的靶, 約是奧運射箭距離的兩倍。

中國傳統箭術:儘管在文化大革命 時期,中國傳統製弓技法幾近滅絕,近期才開始在中國 及海外有復興之勢。中式弓的製作多採用三層複合式材 料,曲線有致,中等長度,主要以木頭、水牛角和筋為製 材。弓箭手運用一種稱之為「尺 蠖勢」的拉弓法,以手臂將 弓拉超過頭的型態拉弓, 姿勢看起來像尺蠖。 中國在漫長的歷史 中,採納揉合了許多 不同種類的箭術。 透過上億人的姓氏 「張」——意思是 拉開弓弦——也可 以看到弓箭在中國 文化中的重要性。

韃靼和蒙古箭術:韃靼人和蒙古人騎射技藝精湛,能從 疾馳的馬背上舉弓準確地射向敵人,在亞洲大草原所向 披靡。他們使用一種短而呈大曲形的三層式複合弓。騎 射,是成吉思汗征服亞洲的武器,蒙古弓讓士兵在草原 上對戰能快速移動。


Saving Lives, and Making the World a Greater Place to Live

Global Hero Foundation USA was created and founded in 2022 by Sir Gary Kong. We are a privately, self-funded charity organization paying tribute to people who dedicate their lives to helping others. While building relationships between the USA and China and offering financial and medical support.

Sir Gary Kong; a humble, Chinese-American, entrepreneur came to the United States at sixteen years old with no money in his pocket and strived to achieve the American Dream. He is a self-made real estate mogel and a dedicated philanthropist, has employed hundreds of people with similar backgrounds, and has received multiple prestegious awards throughout his career. Global Hero Foundation USA also supports Sino American Commerce Association, the Arts, Dance & Music bringing other non-profits to unite together at our events & fundraisers.

We Welcome Your Support

Ashley Liang is a dance artist, dance choreographer, and dance educator. She is the founder and artistic director of nonprofit Ashley Liang Dance Company, Inc. and the president of Ashley Dance Center. She received a master degree of dance education (Teaching Dance in The Profession) at New York University (NYU), and a bachelor of fine arts in dance at Queens College. She also studied professional Chinese dance at Beijing Dance Academy in China. She held her own dance production “Flowing Colors of Charming Flowers” at Alice Tully Lincoln Center on July 6, 2019. She was the female lead, YuHuan, and dance choreographer in the dance drama, The Story of YuHuan at off-Broadway theater for sixteen performances in 2014. Ashley Liang and her dance group were the featured performers at our April 2022 event. For more information: www.ashleyliangdance.com.

Ashley Liang

Founder & Artist Director of Ashley Liang Dance Company and President of Ashley Dance Center www.globalherofoundationusa.com

CONTACT US 917-881-7133 info@globalherofoundationusa.com

Sir Gary Kong

Founder Global Hero Foundation USA