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Two Easy Kid-Centric Science Experiments

Fall is the perfect season for hands-on learning, with nature displaying a spectacular array of colors and phenomena. Here are two fun and simple science experiments suitable for kids, harnessing the beauty of fall!

Apple Eruptions: The Fizzy Fun!

OBJECTIVE: Learn about the reaction between acids and bases in a fun, fall-themed experiment.


• A medium-sized apple

• Baking soda

• Vinegar

• A teaspoon

• A tray or dish (to contain the mess!)


1. Preparation: Place the apple on the tray or dish.

2. Carve a Hole: Carefully carve out a small hole at the top of the apple.

This should be wide enough to fit a teaspoon easily.

3. Baking Soda: Using the teaspoon, fill the hole in the apple with baking soda.

4. Vinegar Time: Slowly pour vinegar into the hole where you placed the baking soda.

5. Watch the Eruption: Observe the fizzy reaction that overflows from the apple!

SCIENCE BEHIND IT: The baking soda (a base) reacts with the vinegar (an acid) to produce carbon dioxide gas, which creates the fizzy eruption. This is similar to the classic volcano science experiment, but with a fall-themed twist using an apple!

Pumpkin Oobleck: A Non-Newtonian Fall Delight!

OBJECTIVE: Learn about non-Newtonian fluids by making oobleck with a fall twist.


• 1 cup of cornstarch

• ½ cup of pumpkin puree (storebought or homemade)

• A mixing bowl

• A spoon

• Optional: Fall-themed food coloring (orange, brown, or gold) and cinnamon for added scent


1. Preparation: Ensure you have a clean workspace, as oobleck can get a bit messy!

2. Mixing Time: In the mixing bowl, combine the cornstarch and pumpkin puree.

3. Stir: Mix the two ingredients together until well combined. You're looking for a mixture that's hard when you tap on it but turns liquid when you let it rest.

4. Optional Add-ins: For a more festive feel, add a few drops of fallthemed food coloring and stir well.


If you want your oobleck to have a delightful scent, sprinkle in a bit of cinnamon and mix.

5. Play and Explore: Let kids touch and play with the pumpkin oobleck. They'll notice it behaves like a solid when you press it but flows like a liquid when you relax your hand.


Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid, which means it doesn't follow the typical rules of liquids and solids. Its state changes based on the pressure applied, making it a fantastic substance for kids to explore and learn about unique properties of matter.

These experiments not only offer kids the chance to engage with science but also deepen their appreciation for the natural changes that come with the fall season. So, gather your materials and let the fall science fun begin!