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Studying Marine Biology

The student experience at the University of Exeter

Watching nature documentaries from a young age and learning about the weird and wonderful creatures in our oceans is what initially piqued my interest in marine life; this was developed by experiences in the field and a growing interest in science as I began to think about my future education and career. After visiting the University of Exeter’s Penryn campus, surrounded by the stunning landscapes of Cornwall, I was excited to begin my degree in Marine Biology back in 2019.

Throughout my degree, I have had some incredible experiences and have been taught by worldleading researchers. From learning about marine ecology to the biology of aquatic vertebrates to ocean management and conservation, there is something for everyone. A particular highlight for me has been the invaluable opportunity for global fieldwork, which allows students to experience the ecosystems and species we learn about first-hand. In my third year, I had the amazing opportunity to visit Canada and Alaska and conduct fieldwork in a unique environment, as well as receive lectures from local experts and enrich my cultural understanding.

I am now near the end of my integrated master’s year where I have been conducting research on human-wildlife conflict with herring gulls and their food stealing habits in coastal towns. I also had the opportunity to

Autumn and, before the deadlines hit, you feel once more like a true student. As a History and Classics student, my study space is home to a large collection of random statues which the university thinks will somehow enhance our ability to study. They’re not exactly wrong, though. The winter is somewhat unforgiving; there’s sun for about three hours a day and it’s easy to sleep through it or spend all that time in the library.

The University of Edinburgh is a unique space to study and, as cliche as it sounds, you truly are surrounded by history at every corner.

FLEUR O’REILLY MA History and Classics student at Edinburgh University www.ed.ac.uk

conduct fieldwork in Scotland which focused on the rewilding and conservation of UK species, learning from some fantastic researchers and lecturers.

www.exeter.ac.uk/study/ undergraduate/courses/ecology/