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Communitea Infusion

The CommuniTEA Infusion project is a fun social innovation initiative of Skills Society that builds community and supports the inclusion and citizenship of individuals with disabilities. It does so by using a funky, quirky, refurbished 1973 Volkswagen Van as its hub! The Tea Van’s sole purpose is to create an atmosphere where anyone and everyone is welcome to gather, play games, drink tea, and socialize. In doing so, it builds connections between individuals that have been otherwise lost in today’s busy, fast-paced, technology driven society.

The Tea Van builds community all around the City of Edmonton through its lively, colorful energy! We attend a wide range of events from varying sized block parties, to markets, to large City events. This season from May-October was the Tea Van’s first in-person season since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. We had a busy, successful season attending a total of 23 events! We attended several block parties hosted by people that Skills Society serves that brought the community surrounding them together. In addition, this was the first season attending public markets, including Al-Fresco on 104, a market and block party downtown, and the Ritchie Public Market, a completely community-based market. We made several new connections and partnerships this season to reconnect with and continue to pursue next year.

We had several hard working and community minded individuals work and volunteer their time to make the CommuniTEA Infusion project happen. All of the drivers and community builders brought their own energy to each Tea Van event and made the season a success. Over the summer, it was wonderful to see the connections and friendships blooming between volunteers, community builders, event hosts, and attendees of the events. Our Lead Community Builder, Jennie, dedicated her time this season pouring her heart and soul into the CommuniTEA Infusion project! Upon talking to Jennie personally, she expressed making pins and buttons, as well as gathering together and meeting new people, as highlights of the season. Jennie worked incredibly hard this season, and the Tea Van would not have been the same without her!

The CommuniTEA Infusion project was generously financially supported in 2022 by the RBC Foundation and Edmonton Community Foundation. The RBC Foundation has been a devoted longstanding financial partner, enabling the continued viability of this innovative project.