3 minute read

Brianna Hovis

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in an extremely small town called Stoneboro, Pennsylvania. It’s in between Erie and Pittsburgh.

What is your favorite sport to play? Favorite to watch?

My favorite sport growing up was competitive cheerleading and dance (if you consider those sports). And now golf is almost always on our TV at home and has become one of my most enjoyable sports to watch!

Do you enjoy playing golf? Are there any golfers in your family?

I do enjoy golfing! I started golfing in college for fun and as a hobby but learned I was actually fairly decent at the sport. Both my dad and brother have always been golfers as well as my Fiancé! My brother actually owns a golf fitness business called Par4 Fitness in Bonita Springs. And one of the first dates I ever had with my now fiancé was at a golf course!

What do you feel makes this club special?

I’ve worked at Fiddlesticks for 10 years and the thing that truly makes this club special is the members. All of them are genuinely nice people and are sure to take care of me and ask about my personal life and truly care. They offer scholarships to their employees through member donations and it was extremely helpful to me when I was pursing my master’s degree!

What is your favorite part of being a cart girl? What is your least favor-

ite part? My favorite part is being outside and getting to watch golf at the same time. Who would complain? I really don’t have a least favorite part of the country club! I truly enjoy being there!

If you weren’t a cart girl, what

would you be doing? I am actually a nurse and have been for the past 5 years with both my BSN and MSN! While being a nurse, I have flexible hours that allows for me to still work as a cart girl for special events and tournaments. I typically say that being a cart girl is my less stressful job and I mostly do it for fun and the extra spending money from tips!

What is your memorable moment

working as a cart girl? Over the years, the most fun events are always the Member Guest Tournaments and Charity events but I would say my most memorable moment would be that I have had the opportunity to witness several hole in one’s from members and that’s always a fun sight to see!

What hobbies do you enjoy? I enjoy golfing, laying out by the pool, working out, and hanging with my two dogs!

What is your idea of “the perfect

date”? Anything adventurous! My fiancé and I like to change things up and travel to different areas like Sedona, Scottsdale, or Colorado to go hiking. But typically we like to go to Tiger Woods’ Popstroke attraction for some great drinks and golf!

Favorite charity to support? I always like supporting the local children’s hospital or local humane societies!

What else would you like for us to

know about you? A fun fact about me is that I have actually been to several golf tournaments locally here in Florida to watch PGA events but my favorite event that I have ever attended was the Waste Management Open in Phoenix, where we spent a day on the infamous 16th hole. You have to wake up extremely early and sprint to the 16th green to get a good spot but it is definitely something that I recommend everyone experiences at least once in your lifetime, especially if you’re a golf fan!