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Be the Driver of Your Car

Be the Driver of Your Car


I DON’T CARE IF you’re 20, 30, 40 or more. You could be making decisions in your life because of something that happened to you in your teenage years or other times during your life. No matter how old you are, I want to tell you that it is not too late to recalibrate and make adjustments to your life. You still have a lifetime of living to do and you can change how your past impacts your future.

If we’re not careful, the things we think about can drastically affect our lives and the direction that it goes in. You can learn to be the driver of your car rather than the passenger. You may not have any control over what happened to you in the past, but you do not have to allow it to control your thoughts or drive your decisions. You can learn to control your thoughts and you have the ability to kick thoughts out of your head.

Thoughts are like seeds; they plant themselves in your mind and germinate and grow if you allow them to. They will ultimately Be the Driver of your Car, guiding your path down the road of life if you allow them to have the keys.

I did not allow the dysfunction of my home growing up to drive my car. I did not allow the negativity that surrounded me to seep into my thoughts, dictating where I was supposed to go and how I was supposed to live my life. I did not allow the seeds planted by my history to germinate, but rather I kicked them out, replacing them with positive thoughts about myself and my life.

You too can take control of your thoughts. You can drive your car down the path that YOU choose, by not allowing your history to infiltrate your mind, planting seeds of unhappiness and frustration along the way. No. You can take back the keys and drive your life to the destiny that has been waiting for you and that you deserve.

Have you allowed things that have happened to you to keep you down, to hold you back from achieving success?

Do you allow negative thoughts to prevent you from taking charge of your life?

Do you want more from your life and have never been sure of how to do it?

Let me be the first to tell you that it is never too late to take control of your thoughts, to stomp on the seeds of negativity before they germinate, and to grab hold of your keys again. It will, of course, require hard work, effort and you will slip and slide. But, I can assure you that you can take hold of the thoughts and history that have controlled you thus far and you can Be the Driver of Your Car! a

MICHAEL ARTERBERRY is an author, Master Encourager and Motivational Speaker who inspires people to become the best possible version of themselves with his inspirational messages, podcasts, articles, presentations, courses and his book “Be Encouraged: 250 Days of Motivation and Encouragement.” He can be reached at www.michaelarterberry.com and readers can pick up a free copy of his book at www.shakethedirtexperience.com. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. it weren’t for higher energies coming down, filling and animating your body right now, you couldn’t be reading these words. If you want to measure the level of an individual’s stress, measure his insistence that life does as he wants. The only thing you will lose by learning to want what life wants is your fear of not being in control — which was never real control in the first place.

Here is the most important point of all. No human being needs control over life because, in reality, no one is apart from it. Who you really are, your True Nature, is not separate from Life.

Let Life bring you itself. Welcome it. At each instant, it is new, full — untouched and undiminished by any moment before it. To enter into this full relationship with Life is to give yourself to your Self. Fulfilling the true purpose of Life is fulfilling your self. a

GUY FINLEY is the best-selling author of The Secret of Letting Go, The Essential Laws of Fearless Living, and more than 40 books and audio albums on self-realization. Guy is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for self-study located in Merlin, Oregon where he gives talks four times each week. For more information please visit www. guyfinley.org or call 541.476.1200. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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