14 minute read

We Ignite Together’ Gathering coming in June to a Screen Near You

magic happens. People started speaking in light language — I mean, absolutely, the whole room started speaking in light language —and I think that the great awakening to their higher abilities came out and stayed with them. We always check in with the people to see if an activation or opening to their abilities stayed open for them. We received tremendous feedback on all of those about how they shifted into a new experience.

For a person who is going to have a walk-in come into their body, do they have a conscious sense of that before it happens?

Yes, I think some do. They feel like it is happening before it happens. I have had multiple walk-ins, and they were all contractual. I wrote that assignment up for myself before I came to this planet. So, a lot of people can feel it. For some people, when they see the word “walk-in” — and they think, “Huh, what’s that?” — or even when they see the word “star beings” or “star seed,” they’re interested and they are literally pulled forward through their magnetic grid. That’s when you know something is cooking and a walk-in could be occurring or is about to occur. It puts them in a safe place for it to happen, and it connects them with people who understand what is happening for them and to them. ➤ see IGNITE on p. 14

Garrett Duncan Shirley Bolstock Anthony & Tammy Chino

Caroline Oceana Ryan Yvonne Perry

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Hope Interfaith Center in Mankato, Minn., decided to cancel this year's Star Gathering. In its place, it is presenting the two-day “We Ignite Together” event on June 13-14, available by video streaming in your home.

“This time is created for us to change, to wake up and to grow,” says Rev. Janice “Hope” Gorman, director and founder of Hope Interfaith Center and host of We Ignite Together. “We can come together with the world to ignite new creation in your life! …There is so much to be created in our lives — so much passion within us — so much good to do in the world. The world needs you and your gifts. You are uniquely created! Learn to use your gifts to help you grow and evolve. Learn to create your best life!

“We Ignite Together” brings together six presenters who will speak on: your soul’s upgrade and walk-ins, DNA activations and attunements, channelings, talks on Star Children, our souls journey, creating a new Earth, and more. The one-day pass ($67 plus $5.71 fee) gives you access to the first day of talks on June 13, with video replay available for two weeks. The VIP pass ($88 plus $6.99 fee) provides full access on Day One and a complete second day on June 14 with live teachings, a Q & A, and a Sonic Boom Cosmic Sound Bath. It also will include a bonus gift on June 15, with video replay available for one month.

The presenters are: • Rev. Janice “Hope” Gorman, a spiritual teacher and intuitive who created this event. She will serve as host and will share her guidance and wisdom throughout the event. • Garrett Duncan, presenting “Supporting our Star Children of Today.” Born and raised on the Navajo reservation, Garrett listened to the stories told by his grandparents and listened to their teachings that reflected their cultural knowledge. • Shirley Bolstock, presenting “The number 1 I Am Attunements and ‘8’ Activations and Grid Work.” Shirley is an energy healer, speaker, teacher and medium who is able to connect with those on the other side. A native of Denver, Colo., she is the author of Apples from the Tree of Life, Impassioned Soul, and Grapes from the Vines of Life. • Caroline Oceana Ryan, presenting “Energetically moving into the New Human Body, Mind and Spirit.” Caroline has channeled information from angels and spirit guides since childhood. She currently channels the Divine wisdom and higher energies of the Collective, a group of higher beings that include ascended masters, angels and archangels, faery elders, Earth elementals, Galactic family members and other guides who are here to support us as we ascend in the fifth-dimensional life. She has published five books channeled from the Collective. • Yvonne Perry, presenting “Walk-Ins, Soul Aspect Integration, and Timeline Syncing.” Yvonne is a Nashville-based minister, author, healing sound therapist and galactic practitioner of light codes. Her shamanic methods help people retrieve and reintegrate multidimensional soul aspects. She incorporates light language to help people shift into wholeness and integrate multidimensional aspects of their souls. • Tammy & Anthony Chino, presenting “Sonic Boom Cosmic Sound Bath.” Tammy and Anthony Chino, from Albuquerque, NM, have created a community called Collective Frequency, a space for all to be student teachers and empower one another. They support a new platform and blueprint to create sacredness on this Earth.

For tickets and more information, visit www. hopeinterfaithcenter.com/weignitetogether a

November 7-8 Earle Brown Heritage Center Brooklyn Center

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passion has been doing for me, day by day.

Change isn’t easy. It can be a slow and arduous process, very much like the process of metamorphosis that changes a caterpillar into a butterfly. In one of the four stages, the soon-to-be butterfly turns itself into mush, dissolving all the old to make room for the new. Likewise, I’ve had to let go of the past in order to embrace the new and accept feeling like mush sometimes.

As we allow the process of transformation to move through us, we must be gentle with ourselves. We can’t control what happens, but we can choose what story to tell about it, and that makes all the difference.


In August 2018, two years after my cancer diagnosis, I remarried and became a stepmom. My second husband, Daniel, loves me for who I am and inspires me to be my best self. He gives me room to grow. As in all relationships, of course, there are challenges. What’s so amazing about self-compassion is that I can be the container for myself, taking care of me even when the world around me seems to be falling apart. Knowing that I can do this emboldens me to make authentic, vulnerable choices, like breaking my heart open and loving again.

Have you experienced a “wake-up call”? Are you living the life you feel you were meant to live? If not, is something or someone holding you back?

My new book, Out of Love: Finding Your Way Back to SelfCompassion, is from my heart to yours, dear reader. I wrote it because I wanted to share the best tools for practicing self-compassion that I have picked up in my journey. I hope to inspire you to choose self-compassion — for doing so is a choice, and we must make it again and again in order to unlearn the pattern of self-criticism we learned from a young age. For me, this pattern manifests as perfectionism, worry, performance anxiety, social anxiety, and addiction. For you, it might be something else.

My book is about my journey of unlearning these self-critical patterns and returning to my self-compassionate heart. Perhaps you, too, have struggled with self-criticism and shame. Or perhaps you have struggled to make sense of tragedies and traumas without blaming yourself.


The practice of self-compassion has taught me to deal with bodyimage issues after cancer and the guilt around my husband’s death, manage anxiety and stress, be authentic in relationships, make choices in alignment with my values, let go of comparison and be truly creative, cultivate my intuition and speak my truth, and so much more! Above all, self-compassion has shown me that belonging is something I already have — within myself.

Self-compassion is a practice, meaning there’s no end point. There’s never going to be a time when you have it figured out and you can cross it off your list. You will fall down and into old, self-critical habits. I did.

➤ see NOT OKAY on p. 16


continued from p. 13

It sounds like there is a window of opportunity for more walk-ins to come in. Why do you think that’s happening now?

For a long time the Earth has been calibrating and accelerating in its planetary frequencies. Scientists tell us that not only is the Earth frequency accelerating, but there are changes in the sun and the stars and the entire solar system as a result of this accelerated frequency, It’s providing a pathway for us to expand, to wake up, to upgrade into a level of consciousness within that energy.

Many of us at this time, if not all of us, are taking a quantum leap in our evolution right now upon the planet — though some will be leaving the planet, just as we’ve been told. For those who are walking in, this increased frequency provides them a platform, and safety. When I had my walk-ins, I believed that I was a little bit crazy. I couldn’t quite understand it. I didn’t know who I was or what it was. I just had to allow it to take place. The new frequencies open up the veils to allow this process to come through.

Have you received any specific information about the overarching purpose for this virus that’s affected us?

I have, but it’s not any different from what most awakened people are receiving and perceiving. It is waking us up to possibilities. It is opening up a gateway to be still, to go within. Just as the Hopi elders say, this is the eleventh hour and the river is running fast. Know where your water is coming from. Be still and know your beloved community. Be still and love yourself and all others. Be still and grow your garden. Be still. And, that Hopi philosophy of the elders is very much apropos for this time. Be silent and be present and ask some important questions about what is intrinsically important at this time as we go forward as a collective.

What I tell people is that the intentional energy right now is important. It’s not about knowing what you don’t want; it’s knowing what you do want now.

The high-caliber teachers we are bringing together will be saying this is the time to ignite your intentions, your dreams, your wants, and your wishes. Everybody has a different word for it. Jerry and Esther Hicks would always talk to Abraham, saying now is the time to draw your rockets of desire. Christine Day says this is the time to set your intentions and put them out there. As an astrology person, I know this is the time to take a look at your yes’s and take a look at your no’s and see where you authentically want to say your yes’s and say where you want to authentically say your no’s. Have your vision of a new reality and relentlessly go forward, one day at a time, towards making that vision a reality.

It’s a time to use discernment. It’s a time to have healthy boundaries. It’s a time to have healthy relationships. As the Hopi elders say, it’s a time to “know where your water is coming from and grow your gardens and love one another.” It’s the time.

Is there anything else we haven’t talked about that you would like to share with our readers at this time?

Have no fear — and if you do, say your mantras, go to the sun and the moon and the stars at night, and ask the elders from the sky who know what’s going on. Ask the masters from the sky who are right by them, as well, to help you during this time, to guide you during this time. Listen to the intuitive instructions that are coming through at this time; put your attention on the inside of them — and follow that. Just don’t listen to it, follow it.

It’s a time to be silent and listen within.

It is. The cosmic wisdom is inside, and it can be ignited especially when we come together, because you can’t be with these people when they come together and not be ignited to go within, to your internal, eternal power and to demonstrate that energetically upon the planet. It is about being quiet, going inside and listening to that intuition that lies within. a

For more information on “We Ignite Together” and Hope Interfaith Center,

visit www.hopeinterfaithcenter.com.

TIM MIEJAN is editor & co-publisher of The Edge magazine. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or editor@ edgemagazine.net. Visit The Edge online at www. edgemagazine.net and learn more about Edge Expo 2020 at www.edgeexpo.net. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Bad Decisions

BY JAMES & STEPH PURPURA An excerpt from Perception: Seeing Is Not Believing

WHAT IF WE TOLD YOU that you have never made a bad decision? Would that sound strange to you? Would you believe us? What if we said you were fully justified in all your actions and behaviors because you were always doing your best, even when you often did and thought things that were against your own and others’ best interests? Yes, you often fall short of your potential, but we still say you have never made a bad decision.

What if we also told you that nothing that has ever happened to you is your fault, but also told you that your outcomes are 100 percent your responsibility? What if we told you that not only have you never made a bad decision, but you’re not actually capable of making bad decisions unless you’re a sociopath or mentally ill?

Consider this: If it is true that you have never made a bad decision, what would this mean to you and your life?

We often look back and second-guess or beat ourselves up for opportunities we missed, decisions we botched, and times we quit or fell short. The voice in your head may be saying, “How could I be so stupid?” Or, “Why do I keep making the same mistakes over and over?” It’s time to stop beating yourself up, because in reality you’re just doing the best you can.

You are probably saying to yourself, “Okay, this sounds great, but it’s hard to believe because I feel like I have made bad decisions.” We will let you off the hook and explain. If your life has not gone the way you wanted or expected, it was because you made decisions using bad information. You might be wondering, “Okay, what is the difference? It seems like it’s only semantics.” Actually, it’s a big difference, and understanding the difference can set you free.

If your life is not what you want it to be, it’s not because you have done anything wrong, it’s because you made the only deci

sions you could with the information you had available to you at the time. You have probably never started a decision-making process by saying, “I think I will do something today that is not in my best interest.” To be clear, always doing the best you can on any given day is not the same as living up to your potential.

We all make decisions the same way. Our minds look at all the available information and draw conclusions about the best path forward. We never intentionally set out to make decisions that will harm us. In that moment when we make a decision, we believe it is in our best interest, even if it doesn’t turn out that way.

This is why it’s so important to understand the difference. While you may have blamed yourself in the past whenever things went wrong, the problem was never you. The problem was the information you used to define your life and make your decisions. That means there is nothing wrong with you!

Everyone has problems, just like you. Some people are just too scared to talk about them. We are happy to reassure you that life does not have to continue to be a fight or a struggle. There is hope, even in the darkest of times. We also need you to understand that you are good enough and smart enough today, just the way you are.

Believe it or not, you currently have everything you need to be successful and to feel truly happy and fulfilled. It’s time to stop beating yourself up. a

JAMES AND STEPH PURPURA met at the lowest point in their lives. They were financially, emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. Life had beaten them down and shattered their self-esteem. They were united by a shared vision of creating and becoming more. They started the only place they could by working on themselves and helping each other grow. Fast forward 15 years: after many ups and downs and a lot of hard work, Steph and James sold their tech company, one of the world’s largest construction software companies, and live an extraordinary life. Through this journey of self-creation, they developed a personal philosophy centered around perception. Their mission is to provide a roadmap for people to master their perceptions and their emotions to become conscious creators of their lives. Through their company, Powerful U, the authors of Perception: Seeing Is Not Believing are giving back their knowledge to the world and helping as many people as possible evolve their lives. Visit Powerful-u.com. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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