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March - April 2022 – Marketing Desk

As with most of you, we just can’t wait for Easter weekend already. This joyous time allows us to meet up with friends and family, share a meal and connect at a higher level. Weather it’s the kids rummaging through the backyard on their Easter egg hunt, or delving into warm hot cross buns, there’s surely something for everyone.


All this homely fanfare also implies something else…brunches, garden parties and the family outings. In all these excursions, what to wear should be the least of your worries. With that in mind, we’ve curated go-to pieces that'll suit the entire family - perfectly for Easter, whether you have a lineup of events with family or are just tagging along with a friend to a meal. We’ve gone all out in bringing in a selection on stylishly wintry and colorful dresses, patterned fabric, bold accessories, and shoes to make just the right impression.

If you are looking to make a lasting impression with your cooking, be sure to check our foodies section. We’ve pored through winning Easter recipes and curated only the best to ensure you put bright smiles at the dinner table. From sausage butter bean stew to cornflake tarts, you’ll be spoilt for choice. In kicking off the month, it is also imperative that we consider the spiritual elements of Easter. A time to reflect, feed the soul commiserate with fellow beings. Especially in a time were war, political upheaval and other disturbances continue to plague us as a people.

In all we do, let’s Enjoy Easter and bring out the best in ourselves and those around us.

With love from Edgars