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Foreword by the Chairperson

It is my pleasure to present the 2021/22 Annual Report of the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency (ECPTA). On reflecting on the past year, I am reminded of the Swahili proverb that says, “Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.” 2021/22 was an extremely challenging year for the ECPTA, faced as it was with ongoing budget cuts, socio-economic upheavals, Treasury moratoriums and unprecedented weather events. The staff and management of the Agency have successfully navigated the literal and figurative storms of 2021/22 and can confidently claim to have become proficient ‘sailors’ in the process. Shortly after the ECPTA was founded in 2010, the Board of Directors quantified its expectation of acceptable performance. They set a 90% performance threshold, indicating that performance below that threshold was unacceptable. It took the ECPTA fully 6 years to reach the threshold. Despite all the challenges of 2021/22, the ECPTA secured its seventh consecutive clean audit and its sixth consecutive performance achievement over 90%. In the context of a struggling public service, this achievement stands out as a beacon of hope. As the Board we are conscious, however, that audit opinions and outcomes tell only a part of the story. They cannot capture the bravery of the field ranger following poachers’ spoor; or the commitment of the hospitality officer with 25 years unbroken service; or the creativity of the marketing team that conceptualises fresh campaigns; or the professionalism of the scientists who advise on carrying capacity of reserves and environmental impact mitigation. Audit outcomes are silent on the role played by the administrators who ensure compliance with systems and procedures; or the outreach officers who share their passion with communities and school children. As the Board, we wish to acknowledge all these contributions and the countless others that combine to produce the exceptional results reported between the covers of this Annual Report. The continued excellence across the organisation will see us achieve a society where “Responsible conservation and tourism benefit current and future generations”.

TRACEY PUTZIER Acting Chairperson of the Board Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency 3 August 2022

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