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If there is one thing that brings people together, it is food. The Second Life culture is as rich as its residents, and “The Kitchen Corner” celebrates and showcases the talents of content creators that will appeal to all “foodies.” Collaborating with different residents ECLIPSE Magazine presents an innovative approach on all things food related with fantastic imagery and an equally tried and true accompanying recipe.

Taylor Wassep shares his favorite and go to Tamagoyaki recipe.

The Kitchen Corner

3-5 large eggs Salt Black Pepper


Honey (optional) Vegetable Oil / Sesame Oil

To make Tamagoyaki, or rolled omelet, you will need a few ingredients along with a one specific pan to make shaping and rolling the omelet a breeze. Equipment needed: Makiyakinabe (Japanese Square Pan), kitchen brush and strainer.

1. Crack your eggs into a bowl and break up the yolk and mix into the whites to create a homogenous egg mixture. You can add salt and pepper, to taste, into the egg mixture and set aside to rest for a few moments. If you would like the Tamagoyaki to be a little sweeter, you can add a 1/2 Tbsp of Honey (or maple syrup) into the egg mixture along with a drizzle of your choice of oil.

2. You will then need to place your makiyakinabe over a medium-low heat source. If you cannot find a Makiyakinabe, a simple pan will do. Allow for several minutes to heat your pan. To check if it’s ready, hold your hand about 2-3 inches away from the bottom of the pan. If you can feel intense heat, it is ready to go.

3. When the pan is ready brush a bit of oil, then make sure you put just enough of the egg mixture into the pan to cover the surface completely. But pour just enough to create a thin layer of egg. After a few moments of cooking, check your Tamagoyaki to see if it is cooked enough to attempt the roll. Once ready, you will take a spatula or other utensils of choice, and simply start to roll the egg mixture onto itself. If you do not have a Makiyakinabe, you will need to first fold in the sides of the omelet to make it more rectangular in shape. And then begin your roll; and repeat this step each time you make a new roll.

4. Once completed your first Tamagoyaki. You will need to leave it in the pan, and re-oil the pan. This will ensure your Tamagoyaki will not stick and rip while rolling. Leave that rolled omelet in the pan with the addition of oil and pour some more of the egg mixture into the pan. Making sure to get the egg mixture under the rolled omelet too.

5. You will repeat steps 3 and 4, using the previously rolled omelet as the starting point for the next roll. And continue this until you achieve your desired size of Tamagoyaki.