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Case Study: How Cerevel Therapeutics Operationalized Diversity In Clinical Trials

Starting to address recruitment challenges for clinical trials means first understanding that these issues stem from data problems. For life sciences organizations to become truly datadriven businesses that can keep up with the volume and complexity of clinical trial data, they must work from a modern clinical data platform that automates the data pipeline across source systems and serves as a foundation for all participant insights.

With more than 200 employees and ten programs in its drug pipeline, Cerevel Therapeutics needed a comprehensive data management system that was compatible with the quick pace of their team and sophisticated processes. But their reliance on SaaS providers and cloud-based technologies made it hard for them to provide oversight, keep track of patients and adverse events, and meet the goals outlined in their Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) guidebook.

Cerevel was looking for the perfect harmony of game-changing technologies built specifically for the clinical space. Their search led them to eClinical Solutions. Through enhanced mapping and streamlined ingestion of data, Cerevel used eClinical to better monitor site recruitment and foster greater diversity among enrollees in its clinical trials.

Following the development and rollout of these tools, our clinical team was able to look at data in real-time. We can now look at the demographic data for participants and patient populations relative to our global sites. If we think we’re lagging in a certain study or certain geography, our clinical study teams can have discussions about it sooner rather than later and correct the issue. We are better able to select sites to conduct studies.”

Dr. Stacey Versavel, PhD, Senior Director of Clinical Operations, Cerevel Therapeutics

Learn more about how Cerevel developed a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) Guidebook to assist it’s clinical teams. Dr. Versavel states a diversity guidebook will help sponsor teams think about diversity throughout the life cycle of a clinical trial, from design through to planning, startup, implementation, and closeout and the role of technology to help it monitor site recruitment and foster greater diversity among enrollees in clinical trials. Get the full article