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Creating Actionable Insights From all Your Trial Data

As it stands today, biopharmaceutical companies are between a rock and a hard place. They know that their CTMS isn’t exactly what they need, but they don’t know how to modify it or what to replace it with. Oftentimes, companies will try to adapt, patch, or modify legacy systems to fit their current needs. The result? Subpar solutions that aren’t fit for purpose, which limit the ability to utilize advances in technology.

Sponsor companies are implementing data strategies and new data management mechanisms to align company-wide demand, governance, and execution. These companies certainly don’t want to go back to spreadsheets or paper, but maintaining their CTMS is becoming more of a burden than a benefit.

Luckily, technology solutions are evolving to meet the needs of the modern-day clinical trial which now provide near real-time actionable insights for all study teams. Let’s dive deeper into the key characteristics these solutions should possess in order to effectively handle your clinical trial data.

Automation, Machine Learning & AI Capabilities

The shift to powerful cloud-based solutions has opened the door for Automation, Machine-Learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities to enable more efficient clinical trials. Through these advances, biopharmaceutical organizations and CROs can get their trials up and running more quickly, in addition to enabling better trial designs, planning, mobilization, execution, and reporting. All of this allows team members to focus on optimizing the trial experience instead of tending to the more tedious tasks.

Additionally, automation capabilities enable greater trial efficiency by reducing the reliance on manual processes. Automating processes such as data input not only reduces the likelihood of human error, but further frees up trial managers to analyze and act on their data.

With the ability to support data reconciliation, mapping, visibility, and accessibility, a cloud-based solution that’s powered by the latest and greatest technologies empowers your teams to accomplish more.

Clinical trial management, monitoring and oversight is critical to your organization’s ability to effectively optimize and deliver trials. Historically, teams have worked in silos independent from one another, which can often lead to duplicative work and operational misalignment.

Modern operational insights solutions are built to centralize management, monitoring and oversight to improve study visibility and ensure users are provided with consistent, near real-time actionable analytics. With the ability to act on decisions through a single platform, teams can easily prioritize critical tasks, track enrollment statuses, review open issues, and more, all in one place.

Enabling your users to simplify and streamline their day-to-day workflows by consolidating their disparate systems and tools yields greater efficiencies that bolster clinical trial processes across the board.

50% of CROs are still using paper to manage information exchange between systems. Greater Management, Monitoring & Oversight Efficiency

Visibility Across All Systems

As biopharmaceutical companies increase the number of technology vendors and CROs, pulling data from multiple sources is a prerequisite. Modern cloud-based clinical trial management and oversight platforms enable an accurate, global, and more complete view of all your clinical trial data. With visibility of the accumulating data from trial planning to study submission, teams can proactively generate actionable insights and mitigate risks from a single source of truth. When you have visibility across all your systems, it’s easier to stay ahead of the curve.

Flexibility & Scalability

Many organizations are plagued by a dinosaur CTMS solution that isn’t flexible. Trying to patch or modify existing legacy CTMS systems results in more burdensome processes that are not fit for purpose. In today’s world, your technology solutions need to be flexible and scalable in order to accommodate your particular clinical trial needs. This is increasingly important with the increase in adaptive trial designs.

You could implement the most sophisticated solution built on the latest and greatest technologies, but if it isn’t able to grow and evolve alongside your organization, it’ll quickly be rendered obsolete.

The first step in determining which technology solution is best for your organization is to define your long-term operational goals and expectations. Whether you’re looking to enable improved oversight or fine-tune issue management processes, you must ensure it is configured to meet your needs, today and down the road.


96% of CROs experience significant challenges exchanging data across systems and platforms. Within this survey, (99%) respondents report the need to unify clinical applications to achieve better visibility and oversight (70%), faster trials (63%), and easier stakeholder collaboration (61%). Additionally, (95%) cite the need to improve the use of CTMS in clinical operations. Top drivers are improved reporting (68%), increased visibility (60%), and more proactive risk mitigation (58%).2

Acting on a Single Source of Truth

Notice a common theme around the importance of centralizing and consolidating your systems? Modern cloud-based clinical trial management and oversight solutions take into account the numerous data systems and tools in any given organization’s tech stack and work to combine all that data into a single source of truth. When there’s no dispute around data integrity or versioning, teams can operate confidently knowing their work is completely accurate.

Working from a single data platform - from ingestion through insights - ensures study submissions are always justifiable and traceable. Through a single source of truth, teams can more easily access near realtime operational data to efficiently optimize trials, provide actionable insights to manage risks, provide timely updates to stakeholders, and quickly draw impactful conclusions.

Remove the need to maintain siloed repositories for your clinical and operational data and utilize a modern, cloud-based solution to leverage all data across all systems.