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Eastleigh’s litter heroes spring into action

Groups of volunteers helped to clear up theBorough as part of the Great British Spring Clean


Armed with litter pickers and bin bags provided by the Council, groups of residents in Hamble, West End, Hedge End, Eastleigh and Boyatt Wood took part in the national campaign to tidy the streets of Britain.

During the month-long campaign that ran from March to April residents collected bag upon bag of rubbish.

Litter spoils our environment and causes harm to wildlife - both on land and when it makes its way into the ocean. It also costs the Council tax payers money to clear away and is completely avoidable if people use public bins or take their rubbish home with them.

Philip Rawlinson, whose group the Hamble Conservation Volunteers took part in the

Spring Clean, said: “We were really keen to contribute to the Great British Spring Clean. Our group carries out regular beach cleans throughout the year and we thought it would be a great idea to tackle litter in our local area as part of the campaign. Everyone really enjoyed it and we are looking forward to taking part again next year.”

Cabinet Lead for the Environment, Cllr Rupert Kyrle, said: “The work these volunteers have done is fantastic. We all have a part to play in keeping our streets tidy and free of litter but these volunteers have gone above and beyond to make their area a better place to live.”

If you think the Council could support your volunteer group, please email our Street Scene team at streetscene@eastleigh.gov.uk.