1 minute read

Great grandmother`s sponge cake


Great grandmother Lina`s hand written recipe dated April 1918:


3 eggs 175 grams sugar 0,5 dl water 150 grams flour 3 teaspoons baking powder

Cream filling: 2,5 dl milk 2 tablespoons lour 2 tablespoons powdered sugar

One egg yolk and vanilla are heated until boiling point. After cooling, add one whipped egg white.

Photo: Anders Beer Wilse/DEXTRA Photo/Teknisk museum, Oslo


In April Mr Fridtjof Nansen signed the agreement in Washington which gave Norway large deliveries of grain, corn, sugar, coffee, oil, cobber, iron ore and meat. The allied received raw goods such as metal, timber and paper. Food shortage was avoided.

And at the same time the cooking book was bought by my great grandmother in a store in Kristiania (Oslo). On the receipt a handwritten recipe of shortcake with vanilla filling, which today is still as popular, and in addition filled with seasonal Norwegian strawberries. The taste of summer and sunshine.

January 1, 1905

"I was in the city last night. Large party (40 people) at Nissen`s house. Cheerful ambience. Dance. Fridtjof Nansen as always tirelessly dancing"

Hulda Garborg`s diary 1903 – 1914

WW1 ends in November, but already in the summer of 1918 the explorer Mr. Roald Amundsen is set for another mission with the new built ship Maud.