1 minute read

Healthy hair through thick and thin

Writer: Dr Michelle Emett, Refine Clinic Hermanus.

Oh, the woe I suffer as my hairdresser grabs my hair and says: “Where has your hair gone”? As she lifts it into a ponytail (more like a rat’s tail), the sunlight streaks straight through my thinning wisps onto my scalp, in all its shining glory!


Hair loss can be a painfully slow, progressive process which affects the best of us. Fortunately, science has provided us with much information in the understanding of hair loss, as well as relatively simple solutions.

Hair loss in women in the peri- to post-menopausal stage of life is usually hormone related. As oestrogen and progesterone decline, our hair remains longer in the non-growth phase and fewer hairs are produced. This results in an overall thinning of the hair over the whole head. We call this female pattern balding. Your hairloss doctor could request blood tests to check your hormone levels, but they are not the only culprits.

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