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30 Days Wild

More than 2300 people across the Durham patch went wild this June by taking on the #30DaysWild challenge.

Families, schools, care homes, and businesses all took part by doing something wild every day for 30 days. From visiting their favourite nature reserves or attending a Durham Wildlife Trust event, to taking action for wildlife in their own green space, it was great to see so many people joining in! You can see a selection of photographs from the campaign by visiting our social media pages.

Help us protect our wild spaces

In March this year, the Trust wrote to the Chief Constables and Police & Crime Commissioners of Durham and Northumbria Police forces, to ask for their support in helping tackle the ongoing issues of vandalism, illegal use of off-road vehicles, and other illegal activity in the countryside and on public green spaces. Sadly, alongside these issues, there have also been increased instances of littering and fires at our nature reserves. Jim Cokill, Director of Durham Wildlife Trust, said: “These actions can cause irreversible damage to the wildlife in nature reserves. During the past year we have all enjoyed seeing our local wildlife, and have realised just how important nature is to our lives. We all have a responsibility to make sure that local wildlife, and wild places, are protected for future generations.” As a member, you can play a vital part in protecting our wild spaces. Please help us by reporting any incidents of illegal activity to the police or fire service.

You can help by reporting illegal activity at our nature reserves. Call 999 in an emergency or use the non-emergency number 101.

Becoming England’s Greenest region

Durham Wildlife Trust is pleased to support the North East of England Climate Coalition (NEECCo) which recently launched a collective ambition for the North East region of “Becoming England’s Greenest Region”.

Our pledge is to support The Wildlife Trusts’ calling for at least 30% of our land and sea to be connected and protected for nature’s recovery by 2030.

Find out more: durhamwt.com/going-greener

NEECCo is England’s first regional cross-sector climate coalition, and we are calling for every individual, household, business, and organisation to sign up and make a pledge to do their bit via their website www.neecco.org.uk