2 minute read


By Benjamin Brewer

Reaching a fitness plateau in a health and wellness journey can be a frustrating experience. After putting in consistent effort, it’s disheartening to see progress come to a halt. However, there are opportunities to break through that plateau and achieve fitness goals. With these tips, any amateur or athlete can build an environment that enables you to push past limitations and reach new heights.

Progressive Overload

One key element to moving past a fitness plateau is progressive overload. Progressive overload involves gradually increasing a workout’s intensity, duration or complexity over time to challenge the body and stimulate further adaptations continually. Whether hiking in the mountains, cycling on challenging terrain, or engaging in strength training exercises at a local gym, focus on gradually increasing the weight, distance or difficulty. By consistently pushing the body beyond its comfort zone, individuals can force it to adapt and grow stronger, breaking through the plateau and reaching new fitness and performance levels.

Elevated Activity

One of the unique advantages of the Four Corners region is its high elevation. The surrounding landscape offers a natural training ground for individuals seeking to break through a fitness plateau. Exercising at high altitudes presents additional challenges to the body, such as requiring more efficient use of oxygen. This adaptation process can improve cardiovascular endurance and increase red blood cell production. Consider traveling to areas in the high country that will take your cardiovascular fitness to the next level. Engage in activities like running, hiking or cycling at higher altitudes to challenge your body in new ways. Start gradually to acclimate to the thinner air and progressively increase the intensity and duration of workouts. As your body adjusts to the higher elevation, you will enhance your overall endurance and performance.

Recreation As Exercise

In addition to leveraging high-elevation training, the area offers many outdoor activities that allow people to challenge their body in different ways. The area is renowned for its breathtaking trails and other recreational opportunities. Take advantage of the stunning scenery, and enjoy exploring. Recreation can engage different muscle groups, increase cardiovascular endurance and reignite motivation.

If you prefer a more structured approach to fitness, there are gyms and fitness studios that cater to different interests and goals. From traditional gyms equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to specialized facilities focusing on climbing, martial arts or yoga, there’s something for everyone. Consider trying a new fitness class or working with a personal trainer who can create a tailored workout plan to challenge you. New exercises and training methods, as well as new people and ideas, can break through the monotony of a routine and kickstart progress.

Find A Community

In addition to the abundant fitness opportunities, the area is home to a vibrant and supportive fitness community. One benefit of attending a class, going to the gym or joining a group is the opportunity to build new relationships and learn what works for others.

Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion for health and wellness can be incredibly motivating. Join local fitness groups or participate in community events such as charity runs, group hikes or cycling clubs. These interactions will provide a sense of camaraderie and expose you to different perspectives.

Diet And Nutrition

Another critical aspect of overcoming a fitness plateau is paying attention to diet and nutrition. Embrace a healthy and sustainable lifestyle with abundant local and organic food options. Visit a community farmers market to explore fresh produce and support local farmers. Additionally, seek out restaurants and cafes that prioritize wholesome ingredients and offer nutritious menu options. Fueling the body with the proper nutrients will enhance energy levels, optimize performance and accelerate progress.

Rest And Recovery

It’s also crucial to prioritize recovery and rest. Overtraining can often lead to a fitness plateau or injury. By allowing your body and mind to recharge, you’ll optimize your performance during workouts and break through any physical barriers hindering your progress.

Breaking through the fitness plateau is an achievable goal with the right approach and mindset. By leveraging the benefits of high-elevation training, exploring the diverse outdoor activities, engaging with the supportive fitness community, and focusing on nutrition and recovery, every person can push past previous limitations and reach new heights of