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How to Purchase an OLLI at DU Annual Membership, Pay for Course Fees, Select Courses, and Register for Courses

To participate in any OLLI at DU course, webinar, travel opportunity, or event, you must FIRST become a member of OLLI at DU ($65 annually from August-August). Note: OLLI at DU memberships run for one academic year, so the earlier you purchase them, the more value you will receive. The cost covers an array of membership benefits provided by the program during the year (travel, social events, free webinars). Once you have joined, you then have a choice of purchasing single courses or an annual course package that can be used over the three terms of the academic year (Sept.–May).

STEP ONE: Purchase an OLLI at DU Annual Membership for $65 and set up your Member Profile. Be sure to answer our survey questions as the results help us to plan a program that meets your needs and to secure volunteers for the many positions we have for members to serve. To reach our website, enter olli.du.edu into your browser. To select your membership go to: Membership/Become a Member-Benefits/Select OLLI at DU Membership at bottom of page.

STEP TWO: Purchase an annual course discount package. (If you choose not to purchase a package discount, you may proceed to Step 3 to select your courses. You will be charged $65 for each course when you check out.) Course packages are good for one academic year before expiring and provide members a lower-per course cost! Go to our website: OLLI.DU.edu and then follow this path from our website homepage: Courses-Registration/Purchase a Course or Package. To select your package simply click on the cart button below it.

STEP THREE: Once you have purchased a membership and purchased a course package, you are ready to select your courses and ensure you are registered in them. Note: unless you immediately receive a confirmation, you are not registered in the course. (If you opted out of buying a course package for the discount, you are able to purchase individual courses for $65 each-charged when you check out.)

Go to OLLI.DU.edu on our Home page, click on the image for “Courses/Registration”, then click on Full Course Catalog. You will find several ways to view the courses: All courses/InPerson by Location/Online/Day of Week/Courses by Subject and courses by Off-Site.

After you have made your selection of courses and put them in your cart you are ready for checkout.

STEP FOUR: Checkout and receive your confirmation email. Your account will immediately deduct the number of courses you have selected when you bought your course package. Any remaining courses will be held for future terms. Your confirmation email (receipt) contains your membership information (effective dates), AND a promo code to be used to secure a $10 discount to most Newman Center of Performing Arts at DU events. The confirmation email also includes a promo code to be used to purchase an OLLI at CSU Reciprocal Membership. (https://courses.online.colostate.edu/)