2 minute read

Accessing self funded supports

A range of home support options are funded by the Australian Government through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and Home Care Package program (HCP), however, assessments and waitlists could play a part in preventing you from accessing the support you need right now.

Depending on your financial situation, exploring the option of self funding home care services, also known as privately funded home care, could be a viable option in meeting your immediate short or long term care needs.

If you are looking to access privately funded home care – or a ‘fee-forservice’ care option – it is important that you are aware that all service fees will be paid by you, in full, without any Government support, no matter your financial situation.

The benefit to this is that you can access whatever services you want, for however long you want, whenever you want.

The other big benefit is that you don’t need to meet the Government’s eligibility criteria, and there is generally a limited wait time.

Privately funded supports are a great option if you:

◆ Have been assessed and approved for Government funded support, but there is no package available and you have been placed on the waitlist

◆ Have been found ineligible for Government subsidised services

◆ If you have immediate short term care needs

◆ Can afford to pay for your own care needs without Government subsidy/support

◆ If you receive Government subsidised support, but would like to top this up with additional self-funded services

The supports you can access through privately funded home care are the same as what would be available to you through the Government’s programs including personal care, housekeeping and home maintenance, shopping and meal preparation, nursing care, transport and social support.

Do your research

Often providers charge an hourly fee for their private home care services, and have no lock-in contracts to allow your care to increase or decrease at your discretion to suit you and your changing needs.

While many providers offer privately funded in home care this way, it is important that you do your own research and ask any provider to explain their charges and contracts before agreeing to access their services. Some providers only accept clients approved for care by My Aged Care.

A lot of people that turn to privately funded home care supports experience flexibility and continuity with the services they receive. Additionally, you are able to book home care services on short notice and there is more freedom around the services you choose.

Private home care can also be a good in between intervention while waiting for other home care services, it can give you and your carers and family members peace of mind that you will be receiving care when you need it.

Common services people privately fund include personal care, transport to and from appointments, palliative care, and interstate travel assistance.

Fill the gaps

With private home care you can receive the same services that are available through Government funded home care, however, you don’t have to worry about Government funded budgets or timelines. You are also able to decide when and for how long you receive care.

Some people may access private home care services to fill the gaps between waiting periods for other Government funded services.

Just like Government funded home care, private home care also has a focus on Consumer Directed Care (CDC), putting more control into the hands of the consumer.