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Volunteers Needed

“Got something left in the old tank?” asked COMO Pete Scamardo, Commander, District 8 Coastal,“Unfinished business or an un desire to make a difference? We may have just the thing to that. ... Volunteer for the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary!

Scamardo said many retiring mariners think they are too old. But as a professional mariner, “you’ve earned your stripes. Your experience is invaluable. Why not use it for a greater good ... saving lives?’’ he asked. Auxiliary members can put in as many or as few hours as they choose.


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He suggested some of the areas that volunteers can help become “force multipliers” for the active-duty Coast Guard, including:

• Culinary assistance: working with active-duty chefs on bases or aboard cutters. Recently a request for 144 Auxiliarists with culinary certification was put out to assist at the southern border; efs on 44 to assist e-duty el ffic e ng. ommeruired safe yone on n

• Surface operations: patrolling the waterways and providing safety zones for various waterway events.

• Communications: working side by side with active-duty watchstanders at Coast Guard stations and Vessel Tra Service.

• Public education: the number one objective of the Auxiliary is sharing your knowledge by teaching safe boating.

• Vessel examinations: inspecting recreational or commercial vessels, ensuring they are equipped with required safe boating equipment, including life jackets for everyone on board.

“There are roughly 22,000 Auxiliarists today,” Scamardo said. “Our job is to assist the active duty with its mission of safe boating. We stand alongside 38,000 men and women of the United States Coast Guard. They call us a force multiplier. We are there to save lives,” he continued. “So, are you interested? It’s as simple as going to your computer and typing cgaux.org.”

Source: Edited excerpt from “Auxiliarists Serve As ‘Force Multiplier’ For U.S. Coast Guard,” the Waterways Journal Weekly, January 21, 2023. https://www.waterwaysjournal.net/?s=auxiliarists+serve+as+force+multipliers rdo said f safe n of mul, are utery, Januarists+-

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