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5.6 Selby

Church: Selby Disaffiliation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet

Date Process Initiated Church Conference date

Church Conference Vote Summary

Membership list approval Motion to Disaffiliate 08/02/2022 10/30/2022

Yes 34 No 0 Yes 34 No 0

Disaffiliation Agreement Summary

12 months past apportionments: defined by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present 12 months additional apportionments: defined by Dakotas at 3% of operating income Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula) Buildings and Land holdings Other special circumstances $36,892.45


$14,714.00 Church building, parsonage, garage $1.00 None Official Disaffiliation Date November 30, 2022 All agreements include official release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.

Workbook pages: Disaffiliation Agreement pages 125-130; Supporting Documents pages 201-203 Click on page number to go directly to the page. Resolution to ratify the disaffiliation agreement for Selby United Methodist Church, Selby, South Dakota

WHEREAS Selby United Methodist in Selby, South Dakota, in the Southwest District of the Dakotas Conference, has been completed all the steps in the disaffiliation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and

WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disaffiliation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disaffiliate. As such, on October 30, 2022, a Church Conference was convened, and those professing members present voted (100%) to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church.

THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, The Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the ratification of disaffiliation agreement for Selby United Methodist Church in Selby, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
