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Technology 18

“Over the 13-week programme, we had the opportunity to get advice from lots of different industry experts on areas like strategy, sales and product placement, which we would not otherwise have had access to. It was an excellent experience, which has really helped shape our direction.”

As with any company, Jon sees both opportunities and challenges ahead for iKVA. More people are working remotely, meaning that – ironically - access to knowledge within their companies is getting harder.


“Lots of knowledge and information is now being generated in non-traditional ways. For instance, imagine we’re lawyers having a Zoom call, with lots of decisions made but no minutes taken. This is an opportunity for us because our solutions can access information in any format and make it available to anyone who needs it.

“The challenge – as with any early-stage company lies in funding - as it is getting harder to access in the current economic climate, hence we are looking carefully at funding rounds.”

Such caution is understandable. However, it’s safe to say that iKVA (whose name includes a reference to the Norse God of Wisdom) has pioneered a new era of insight into knowledge sharing and decision making – and their incredible voyage into discovery is just the beginning.

For more information about iKVA and its knowledge management software solutions, visit ikva.ai.

iKVA is also hosting two webinars to discuss the technology underpinning their solutions. Registration details are as follows:

Our solutions are really useful for large complex organisations with information spread across lots of departments, teams and even individuals. They eliminate the risk of ‘silo working’ and help companies make better data-driven decisions at the right time.

September 29: a-voyage-into-discovery-tickets

The iKVA team.


Espresso machine manufacturer 9Barista has been awarded over £11,500 to purchase a collaborative robot (known as a cobot).


9barista.com The funding, from the ACMI 4.0 (Advanced Capacities in Manufacturing – Industry 4.0) programme, will help 9Barista make more for less and keep manufacturing at their Cambridge premises. The grant was awarded after the ACMI 4.0 team completed a 12-hour assessment of 9Barista’s operations to see how Industry 4.0 technologies like robotics and automation could improve their performance. A cobot is a robot intended for use in spaces where humans and robots work in close proximity. 9Barista’s cobot will mean a higher number of their patented espresso machines can be produced at a lower cost, with more customisation for customers. The cobot (combined with a shift to single-pieceflow manufacturing) is expected to bring several benefits, including: Developing staff expertise about automation and robotics.

More than 50% reduction in the necessary amount of work-in-progress stock. More sales thanks to the ability to customise orders.

A five-fold increase in the number of espresso machines currently produced. 80% less finished goods stock will be kept in storage, improving fire safety, reducing the risk of theft, and accidental damage. Keeping production within the UK, as production cost will be similar to manufacturing their product in the Far East. Using ACMI 4.0 guidance, the 9Barista team will make changes in their business so the cobot can perform well straight away. This will include changing their workshop layout to make it a seamless part of the production line and providing training so staff can maintain the cobot and potentially find new ways to improve its performance over time.

ACMI 4.0 is a £1.2 million ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) business support programme to help SME manufacturers effectively adopt Industry 4.0 technologies like robotics and automation.

The programme is being delivered by economic development company, Opportunity Peterborough and the Smart Manufacturing Alliance, a sector network covering Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

This innovation programme includes:

12 hours fully funded expert consultancy: working directly with SME manufacturers to help them identify and adopt the Industry 4.0 technologies that will have the biggest impact on productivity and performance, and ensuring they extract full value.

£300,000 capital grants fund*: each eligible business can apply for capital grants from £2,000 - £20,000, supporting capital project costs of £5,000 to £50,000. *(40/60 match funding required).