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Community Matters




By the time you read this article it is to be hoped that we shall all be emerging from the latest national lockdown necessitated by the increased numbers of positive COVID-19 cases recorded in the autumn. This dreadful situation has further curtailed events that we look forward to at this time of year, principally those associated with Remembrance Day, when we honour those who have given their lives for the country and when we support the Royal British Legion by buying poppies and attending events that raise much-needed funds that enable the RBL to support the veterans and families who have suffered as a result of past conflicts. This year, the usual Remembrance Day ceremonies in Whittlesey and the surrounding villages had to be cancelled as, with the unknown numbers that would wish to attend, it was impossible to comply with the mandatory contact and trace requirements. Nevertheless, I was delighted to witness the magnificent manner in which our community adapted to the situation. Wreaths were laid at the Whittlesey War Memorial respectfully, if less formally by many organisations, before and after Remembrance Sunday. Poppies were bought where possible and thanks go to Mrs Sue Taylor who braved the elements under the Buttercross on preceding Saturdays to sell poppies etc. Sue was also responsible for the ordering of the many wreaths that were laid at memorials in Whittlesey and the villages. The displays of home-made poppies mounted on boards throughout the town were an emotional reminder of the debt we owe to all who fell during the various campaigns and I am grateful to those persons under the direction of Deborah Slator who were responsible for the initiative. Donations as a result of the displays amounted to £2246 which have been passed to the RBL, a magnificent effort. Further thanks to Fenland Youth Radio under the guidance of Robert Windle who put together a

Discovering Whittlesea, Benwick Road Ind. Est., Benwick Road, Whittlesey, Peterborough, PE7 2HD editor.whittlesea@discoveringmagazines.co.uk

most enjoyable broadcast on Remembrance Sunday to include a service, requested music and interviews which I am sure added to the occasion. I can truly say that I am proud to be Mayor of such a vibrant town, my thanks to everyone. So, we now look forward to Christmas which will also be so different this year. Whilst we will miss much of the traditional events, the carol services in our churches, Christmas extravaganza in the town, Santa's floats and grottos, etc. we will still be able to enjoy the traditional Christmas tree on the Buttercross and the Christmas lights in our main streets. For this we must thank the work of the Whittlesey Christmas Lights Committee which is able to provide us all with Christmas cheer at this difficult time. It is my sincere wish that the present restrictions will be relaxed sufficiently to allow families to gather together at Christmas and celebrate the birth of Jesus who brought light and hope into the world during difficult times and is still with us today. Whatever your plans this Christmas, may I on behalf of my wife Ann and Whittlesey Town Council wish you all a joyous Christmas surrounded by those that you love. Cllr David K M Mason

Mayor & Leader Whittlesey Town Council

RIP ASHLEY SAVAGE Fenland District Council has launched its Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG) scheme to distribute more than £1.3 million of government funding to support local businesses. It is aimed at helping businesses that were open as usual, but which were then legally required to close due to the national COVID-19 restrictions which came into force for a period of 28 days effective from November 5th. Businesses are now being urged to check the eligibility criteria at www.fenland.gov.uk/LRBSG and complete the claim form as soon as possible. Eligible businesses can claim the following amounts based on the rateable value of the property: • Businesses with a rateable value of £15,000 or under and who are eligible can claim for a grant of £1334 per 28-day qualifying restriction period. • Businesses with a rateable value of £15,001 to £50,999 and who are eligible can claim for a grant of £2000 per 28-day qualifying restriction period.

A GoFundMe page has been set up for a Whittlesey man who lost his life in a car accident. Ashley Savage (25), of Dandelion Drive, was killed when his car was in collision with an HGV parked off-road on the B1043 in Conington in October. So far, more than £260 has been raised through the fund, RIP Ashley Savage. One of Ashley's neighbours in Whittlesey Green set up the page – Michelle Esposito said, “We are an amazing community and look out for each other and are really saddened by the news.”


TO TAKE CHRISTMAS BREAK Whittlesey Community Car Scheme drivers will be starting their Christmas break on Saturday, December 19th and will resume on Monday,

GRANTS FOR BUSINESSES January 4th, 2021. • Businesses with a rateable value of £51,000 and above and who are eligible can claim for a grant of £3000 per 28-day qualifying restriction period. Councillor Chris Boden, leader of Fenland District Council and portfolio holder for finance, said: “We are pleased to be launching this new scheme to help businesses across the district access this much-needed financial support. “We have successfully distributed almost £20 million of funding to over 1800 businesses so far and will ensure this latest funding is also handed out as swiftly as possible. I would strongly encourage businesses to check the eligibility and complete the online claims process to avoid any delays.” The council will also be distributing a further £2 million of government funding through its Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) scheme. This discretionary scheme will support those businesses required to close or have been severely impacted by the national restrictions, but which do not pay business rates. Applications for the ARG scheme will open in due course – please keep an eye on the council’s website and social media for updates.

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