3 minute read



Words: Steve Hanson


This Easter my boys were baptized which was one of the top events of my life. Did you know that at the start of Jesus’ ministry He also was baptized? When Jesus was baptized, God the Father spoke out loud for all to hear. MARK 1:10-11 NIV “As Jesus was coming up out of the water; He saw Heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on Him like a dove. 11 And a voice came from Heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” At this point it would have been fitting for God to have given his son some career advice on people or counseling or any number of ministry tips. But the Father wanted to touch on far deeper issues; things that He knew would be foundational throughout Jesus’ ministry. Things that are foundational to our lives. Who He was & where he stood with his father. God wanted to be very clear with Jesus – You are my son & I am proud! Has your father been that clear with you? Or are you searching for things to determine who you are and what your value is? Do you find your identity and value solely in your job, hobbies, racing, the way you look or is it in your possessions that you find your identity? Maybe the better question to ask is who’s God in your eyes or more importantly in your life? Is God your pit captain who fixes your racecar when it’s down, but when things are going good in life you just drive by and beep the siren? Or maybe his role is co-driver; you call on him when you get tired of driving and need a break, or don’t want to drive a particular rough section. Otherwise, he never hears from you. 66 | DIRTSPORTSWORLD.COM Maybe he has a more important role and is in the cab with you as your navigator giving you direction and discernment to the bumps in life’s road. You rely on Him to keep you alert and focused ready for whatever is ahead. When things go bad you count on Him to be the first to jump out and fix whatever needs fixed in your life. Or is God in the driver seat and you are in the right seat just hanging on for the ride. “Whatever & whenever;” is what you say to God because He truly is the Lord of your life. Think of it this way, if you wanted your team to win a championship, would you drive or would you let the best driver in the world drive? Jesus Christ is the best and He is asking if He can be the driver-of-record for your team. Will you let Him? Race analogies come easy; they allow me to relate God’s word to the Dirt Sport World in a familiar way. David did the same thing with his Old Testament writings. His analogy of God as our shepherd and we are His sheep because he knew how helpless sheep are without their shepherd. PSALM 23:1-6 NIV 1) The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. 2) He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters 3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 4) Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5) You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6) Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.