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Dirk Knudsen Knows Hillsboro, Oregon

Dirk Knows Hillsboro

Located on NE Rosebay in Orenco Station this Beautiful townhome recently sold.

Located on NE Rosebay in Orenco Station this Beautiful townhome recently sold.

Dirk Knudsen Photo

For 40 Years I Have Been Opening Doors

All Over The City For


In Escrow Now - Hillsboro's finest!

In Escrow Now - Hillsboro's finest!

4 Decades Changing Lives In Hillsboro Over 1,000 Homes Sold

All by this Local Kid who grew up here!

On the site of a Historic find, preserving our Community assets!

On the site of a Historic find, preserving our Community assets!

Dirk Knudsen photo

Speaking Up for issues that threaten our way of life.

Speaking Up for issues that threaten our way of life.

Aaron Andersen - Photo

It’s The People... Hillsboro is home to some amazing people. Many of them I am lucky to call my friends and clients. The quality of life is only measured for me by those we care about and can help.

Historic Shute Bank On Main- Dirk helped find the best tenants to help build Hillsboro!

Historic Shute Bank On Main- Dirk helped find the best tenants to help build Hillsboro!

Dirk Knudsen photo

Historic Orenco - We helped Scott and Jill through two sales on this Award Winning Home!

Historic Orenco - We helped Scott and Jill through two sales on this Award Winning Home!

Dirk Knudsen photo

It’s The Places ... Hillsboro is home to some amazing places. In a colorful mix of old and new, our City has become one of the most desired livable places in the US to live!

Dirk is currently leasing the former Clark's/Copperstone while preserving the building

Dirk is currently leasing the former Clark's/Copperstone while preserving the building

Dirk Knudsen photo

Multi Generation Homes like this one are helping increase affordable options for everyone.

Multi Generation Homes like this one are helping increase affordable options for everyone.

Kole Knudsen Kosen Media photo

When You Are Ready, Dirk Is Too! 503-799-8383 www.calldirk.com

Dirk Was Honored As a Top 2 Finalist by the National Association Of Realtors

Dirk Was Honored As a Top 2 Finalist by the National Association Of Realtors

OAR Photo