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Church News, inc Services

St Botolph’s Church, Helpston - Tues 20 Sep at 7pm Bats in The Belfry

During the summer, the “Bats in Churches Project” carried out a survey of the species of bats to be found in Helpston and Bainton churches.

Diana Spencer from the project will be coming to Helpston to tell us about these interesting creatures, their habits, their habitats (including churches) and how we live with them.

There will be Refreshments provided afterwards, and maybe the chance to see some of our flitting friends going round the churchyard before and after the talk. Free of charge, although donations are always gratefully received! The Bats in Churches Study, is a citizen science survey run by the Bats in Churches Project. Bats in Churches is a partnership project with the Church of England, Natural England, Historic England, The Churches Conservation Trust and Bat Conservation Trust. A Pipistrelle Bat © Hugh Clark

Choral Evensong at Barnack Church

St John’s, Barnack, Sun 9 Oct 4.30pm

Last year at St John’s we were glad to welcome the Stamford Singers to start our Christmas celebration. This year, we look forward to welcoming them back as we celebrate a traditional Choral Evensong. All welcome. As a service of worship, it is of course free entry (with an optional collection).






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Harvest Festivals

Reverend Gary Alderson

Harvest Festival Dates

Barnack: 18 September at 9.30am Helpston: 18 September at 10.45am Ufford: 18 September at 4.30pm Bainton: 25 September at 9am

With the weather, the situation in Ukraine, and the rises in the cost of living, we should especially remember to give thanks to God for our harvest, and for our farmers – who we see working so hard at this time of year.

Each of our churches will be holding a harvest festival service – including Ufford. Please bring offerings suitable for the Stamford and Peterborough food banks. In particular, tinned meats and vegetables (there’s normally plenty of beans), shop-bought jam (no home-made, please), and long-life milk. Collections of nonperishable foods continue all year round in Barnack, Helpston, and Bainton. “The harvest is past, the summer is ended”

Walking through one of my churchyards, and I saw – in amongst the brown grass and prematurelyfallen leaves – a carpet of harebells. Obviously glad to have sprung up as the grass isn’t being cut. It is remarkable how many plants lurk at grass level, springing up when they get a chance. And it was a delight to see, because by the middle of August, the vast majority of wildflowers have gone over. All the colour of primroses, cornflowers, cowslips, orchids and the foam of keck (cow parsley for people who like their official names) has gone, and we’re left with carpets of green or brown grass. English spring flowers know what they’re doing. They grow when the soil is moist, when rain is pretty much assured, and the sun is getting brighter though the heat has not yet built up. Then if the heat and drought come in summer, it’s not too late – they’ve done their job and the seeds are sown for next year. Leaves me wondering about whether that’s a hint for how we can live. If you’ve promised yourself you’ll do something one day – even if you can do it today – will that “one day” ever arrive? Or will times change so that that “one day” is totally different by the time you get there, and your opportunity is missed? Maybe we need to live knowing that “one day” may not be what we expected. And “today” is as good a day as any to do that thing you wanted to do. Which doesn’t mean you don’t plan for things in the future – but take the chance, in the day you have, to do what you want to do, to do something good for someone else, to make your peace with someone. The prophet Jeremiah quotes the people saying: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.”

A verse full of lament, and of missed opportunities. Today will only be here once. Make like a spring flower – and grab it while you can.

Helpston’s Pet Service

Anna Kinnaird with Jack Russell ‘Jack’, Mike and Marian Connor with Chico, a three year-old chihuahua, which they were fostering at the time. Happily they went on to give him his ‘Forever’ home. Linda Smith’s Labrador, Freddy meets Jean Kerr’s Cavalier, Cody at Helpston Church Pet Service. Sue Young’s Cavalier, Louis, looks on.

Judy Robinson from Bainton with her pony Bramble and friend Sharon with Sky attended the summer Pet Service at Helpston Church. Judy and Sharon were about to embark on a five-week 500 mile riding holiday, travelling along the Icknield Way then returning North via the Pedar’s Way. Judy explained:”When we heard about the service we thought we would like to get the ponies blessed before we leave.” Finding B&B’s for themselves was not a problem, but boarding the horses was more challenging. We hope to hear about their experiences when they get home.

Farewell to Rev Mark-Aaron

Derek R Harris, Lay Reader

Our five churches were all prepared to be without Rev Mark-Aaron Tisdale for the three months he had planned for his sabbatical. We knew that, among other things, he and Winston-James were going to walk the 500 mile route of the Camino de Santiago.

What took us all by surprise was the news that he would not be coming back as our Rector, having been successful in applying for the position of Rector of St Mary’s Church, Broughty Ferry, Dundee! As St Mary’s is part of the Episcopalian Church of Scotland, in order to take up the post, he has had to resign from the Church of England. He will, however, be going back to his roots, as the church he belonged to while growing up in Pittsburgh was also Episcopalian. He leaves a fine legacy of things that he has started, or inspired others to start, in the Benefice that were not there five and half years go. Among these are Messy Church, Bereavement Visiting, Tuesday@10, the Benefice Choir, the Benefice Newsletter, links with the schools and midweek courses to name but a few. There was also a Benefice youth group called the 9BB’s but this, unfortunately, fell victim to the Covid lockdown which, sadly, enveloped half of his time here. On the evening of Saturday 9 July at Peakirk Village Hall, he and Winston-James treated us to an illustrated talk about their memories of the Camino and the effect it had had on them. This was followed by the presentation of a number of gifts to him and to Cigil along with our good wishes for their future. One of the gifts was a cross and some candlesticks made out of the wood of the St Benedict’s churchyard Christmas Tree which was transformed into a Lenten Cross – another of his initiatives.

The evening concluded with the Benefice Choir singing Rutter’s Gaelic Blessing followed by everyone joining in with We’ll Meet Again. As I write this the Tisdales are making their way to Scotland in time for his installation on Saturday 13 August. We wish them every blessing and every success in their future ministry.

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Parish Praise 10.30am Mark Hotchkin No Service

Holy Communion 10.30am Canon Ray Hemingray Messy Church in Peakirk Village Hall 3pm

11 SEP No Service All Age Holy Communion 9am Rev. George Rogers Parish Praise 10.30am Mark Hotchkin Holy Communion 9am Rev'd George Rogers

Harvest Festival 10:30am Freda Skillman

18 SEP

Holy Communion 8am

Café Church 10am Maxey Village Hall Freda Skillman & Mark Hotchkin

Holy Communion 10:30am Canon Margaret Venebles Holy Communion 9am Rev George Rodgers

25 SEP No Service



Harvest Festival 10.30am Mark Hotchkin

Holy Communion B.C.P. 9am Rev. George Rodgers

St. Benedict's Harvest Festival 10:30am united with St.Pega' Derek Harris Family Communion Praise 9am Freda Skillman

No Service

Holy Communion 10.30am Rev'd Charles May Messy Church in Peakirk Village Hall 3pm Animal Praise 10:30am Freda Skillman

9 OCT No Service All Age Holy Communion 9am Canon Margaret Venables Parish Praise 10.30am Mark Hotchkin All Age Praise 10:30am Freda Skillman

16 OCT

Holy Communion 8am

Café Church 10am Maxey Village Hall Freda Skillman & Mark Hotchkin

Holy Communion 10:30am Rev'd Charles May Holy Communion 9am

23 OCT No Service Holy Communion B.C.P. 9am Rev'd George Rogers Worship4All Café style 10:30am United with St Benedict's in Peakirk Village Hall Derek Harris Family Communion Praise 9am Freda Skillman

30 OCT

Benefice Holy Communion 10:30am - Church to be advised, please refer to your local church notice boards or Wardens for details.



Parish Praise 10.30am Mark Hotchkin No Service Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 9am

Messy Church in Peakirk Village Hall 3pm


With the departure of Rev'd Mark-Aaron we are entering a period of interregnum. During this time we are supported by local and cathedral clergy and it may be necessary to change some services and/or those taking the services. Please refer to your local church notice boards or Church Wardens for the latest information.

SEPTEMBER Evensong 6pm Derek Harris

Messy Church in Peakirk Village Hall 3pm Holy Communion 10:30am Canon Ray Hemingray 9.30am Communion 9am Communion 10.45am Communion

Harvest Festival 10:30am Derek Harris 9.30am Harvest Festival 9am Café Church 10.45am Harvest Festival

4.30pm Harvest Festival

9.30am Communion 9am Morning Praise 4.30pm Taizé

10.45am Communion

No Service

Harvest Festival St. Benedict's 10:30am united with St.Pega's Derek Harris 9.30am Morning Praise 4pm Messy Church 9am Harvest Festival & Communion 3pm Memorial Service for Michael Bratley 10.45am Morning Praise No Service



Evensong 6pm Derek Harris

Messy Church in Peakirk Village Hall 3pm


Holy Communion 10.30am Canon Ray Hemingray 9.30am Communion 9am Morning Praise 10.45am Communion

9.30am Communion 4.30pm Benefice Choral Evensong Stamford Singers 9am Communion 10.45am Communion

16 OCT

Morning Prayer 10:30am Derek Harris 9.30am Communion 9am Cafe Church 10.45am Communion No Service

23 OCT

30 OCT

Worship4All Café style 10:30am united with St Benedict's in Peakirk Village Hal Derek Harris Benefice Holy Communion 10:30am Church to be advised, church notice boards/ Wardens will have details 9.30am Communion 9am Morning Praise 10.45am Communion



Evensong 6pm Derek Harris

Messy Church in Peakirk Village Hall 3pm


 St John the Baptist Church Main Street, Barnack PE9 3DN  St Mary’s Church Church Lane, Bainton PE9 3AF  St Botolph’s Church Church Street, Helpston PE6 7DT

9.30am Communion 9am Communion 10.45am Morning Praise

No Service

 All Saints Church Church Road, Wittering PE8 6AF  St Andrew’s Church Main Street, Ufford PE9 3BH  St Stephen Main Rd., Etton PE6 7DA  St Peter Main St. Maxey PE6 9HF  St Pega Chestnut Close, Peakirk PE6 7NH  St Benedict High St., Glinton PE6 7JN  St Andrew Church St., Northborough PE6 9BN  St Bartholomew, School Road Newborough PE6 7SU villagetribune 57

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