2 minute read

Meet the tutors

Not all children learn at the same pace, and not all thrive in the classroom, so if the return to school is an anxious time for your child Kip McGrath has a great team to support them. Our expert tutors can give friendly face-to-face tutoring in maths and English that helps build confidence with personalised learning programmes.


This year, I am combining both working in the classroom and tutoring. I’m a qualified primary school teacher working predominantly in Key Stage 2. I enjoy teaching all subjects, but my favourite has to be maths (I have a degree in Banking, Finance and Management). I have two young children and two kittens!


I am a primary trained teacher and enjoy working with all ages from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 3. I’ve always enjoyed working with children and seeing them develop their confidence when learning new skills. I enjoy reading, love a good crossword and spend the majority of my free time with my pets. If a child is finding school difficult I have always found a quote by A.A. Milne to be helpful; 'You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think’.


I am a qualified teacher and have worked as a tutor for Kip McGrath for the last two years. I particularly enjoy teaching English and took a degree in English Literature at University. I love being out in my garden and grow my own vegetables. I also enjoy travelling, particularly to hot countries.


I have worked at Kip McGrath over a year now and it is a wonderful place to be. I am a teacher and have been for over 10 years. I have three children. I am passionate about reading books and sharing this joy with the children I work with. The best thing I always tell the children about Kip is that we can work through things together, at your own pace and sometimes I will even tell you the answer – learning does not have to be scary.


I loved the classroom but left my role as a primary school teacher to have children and now do my tutoring work around them. Although I have taught all age groups I mainly tutor upper Key Stage 2 level and really enjoy it. I have a degree in dance, a dog called Olive, and I love a kitchen disco!

Our qualified team at our two centres in Peterborough can help your child catch up, progress and thrive either through face-to-face sessions or online. To book a free assessment visit www.kipmcgrath.co.uk/bookassessment

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