12 minute read

The Miraculous Dream Cream

While serving as a Navy Corpsman, Luster Martin came up with the ingredients of a cream that would change the way we look at diaper rash and skin irritations including fungus and yeast infections. They used it in Navy dispensary where Luster was stationed. It was very popular with Navy mothers but when he was discharged from the Navy the recipe for the salve was put away. As Luster went on in his career, becoming a Nurse, working in hospitals and as CEO in hospital administration, the thoughts of this super cream stayed with him, as he recalled how it worked so perfectly for those families.

His career continued in the health care field, eventually becoming involved in the Wound Care business. Again, he was faced with overseeing the treatment of wounds that were devastating to patients with diabetes, and other diagnosis’s that produced skin inflammation. The dream cream was constantly on his mind and after retirement, he dug out the paperwork with the list of ingredients and began his journey to protect the soft skin on a baby and guard against the dryness and rough spots wearing a diaper can cause. As a result, Baby Dream Cream became a reality. After sharing the samples with friends and family, he was now convinced that the cream had incredible results in protecting and healing the rashes of the babies that have used it. He uses natural ingredients and allows for the sweet aroma to become a part of the demand for the salve itself. Luster says that by combining ingredients like Lanolin, White Petrolatum, Hydrogen Borate, and light Mineral Oil which are 100% natural and Pure you come up with a formula for the irritated baby bottoms which works like no other. Adults with irritated skin and rashes are benefited greatly with unbelievable results as well. This product consists of natural ingredients and directly impacts the soothing and healing process for the baby’s sensitive skin. It has a light citruses fragrance that adds to its appeal. Luster relates that “it has been a great experience to meet the needs of little ones who depend on their parents to protect them each step of the way”. Not only does Baby Dream Cream build up a silky barrier on the baby’s bottom, it heals very quickly and removes the inflammation that occurs with a painful diaper rash. In addition, Baby Dream Cream has been used as a healing cream for ordinary skin irritations, burns and itchiness from bug bites. As of now, his investment has given him an opportunity to meet the needs of many little ones who suffer the sting and hurt that diaper rash can cause. Luster stated, “Healing is the part of healthcare that creates the feeling you have accomplished a valuable effort in making each day better for someone else”. His tenacity in this project will certainly prove successful as he goes forward with this purpose in mind.


“I had to use a prescription cream for years for my yeast infection and it was slow healing. Now I use the dream cream and it heals up immediately.”

“ I have Pompholyx (dyshidrotic eczema) which is a type of eczema that causes tiny blisters to develop across the fingers, palms of the hands and

sometimes the soles of the feet. It is so painful. The prescription cream the Dr. gave me did not help at all. I was so so thankful to discover this Dream Cream.”

“I gave this dream cream to my boyfriend for his hemorrhoids. He was astonished at the results. “

“I have a lot of problems with yeast and this is all that I use. My husband loves it for all of his skin irritations. We don’t want to be without it.”

Baby Dream Cream™ is amazing! It has cured the one and only diaper rash my son has had. He’s only had one because the goo helps to prevent a rash. Anytime I notice his bottom turning red, I put on the goo and it soothes immediately. I’ll never use another diaper cream.

I love Baby Dream Cream! My daughter started getting terrible diaper rashes after she turned one. It seemed like we tried every diaper cream on the market before we were introduced to Baby Dream Cream by a close friend! We tried Dream Cream for 2 days and her diaper rash was gone

After trying other creams and seeing no results we started using Baby Dream Cream after every diaper change. Not only did it eliminate the rash, it has prevented it from coming back.

https://babydreamcream.com/ Phone: (832) 741-1619 info@babydreamcream.com


Atascocita Branch Library

19520 Pinehurst Trail Dr, Atascocita, TX 77346 Hours: Mon. 11a-8p / Tue. 1p-9p / Wed. 10a-6p Thu. 10a-8p / Fri. 1p-6p / Sat. 10a-5p Phone: (832) 927-5560

Octavia Fields Branch Library

1503 S Houston Ave, Humble, TX 77338 Hours: Mond 1p-7p / Tues 10a - 9p / Wed 10a - 7p Thurs 10a - 9p / Fri 1p - 6p / Sat 10a - 5p Phone: (832) 927-5500

Kingwood Branch Library

4400 Bens View Ln, Kingwood, TX 77339 Hours: Monday, 1pm-9pm / Tues.10am-6pm / Wed. 10am-9pm Thurs. 10am-9pm / Fri, 10am-6pm / Sat. 10am-5pm Phone: (832) 927-7830 http://www.hcpl.net/location/kingwood-branch-library

In accordance with Harris County's efforts to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, all Harris County Public Library branches will remain closed to the public at this time. Contactless Curbside Holds Pick-up is available at all HCPL locations

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Too much to do & not quite enough time on your hands?

Planting Hope

by: Deborah Elum, Author & Speaker

One of my relatives had given me a Calla Lily plant from the store where he worked. I was grateful that he thought of me but honestly, this plant had seen its better days. Both the leaves and the two flowers on it were drooping. It looked sad and hopeless. When I got home, my husband encouraged me to cut off the dead and broken leaves. After I trimmed it, it did look better. I bought a large planter, some potting soil, and replanted it. Then, I placed it in a room to give it the right amount of sunlight. I saw a new leaf beginning to grow in less than one week. Over the coming weeks, more leaves started to spout. Because I invested time and money into it, it looks happy and healthy. The plant reminds me of a story in Luke 10:30-37. Jesus shared a parable about a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. On his way, he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him, and went away, leaving him for dead. After that, two men passed right by him. Instead of helping him, they looked at him and crossed on the other side of the road. When a good Samaritan passed by, he took pity on him. He bandaged the man’s wounds. He even paid for him a place to stay at an Inn and hired someone to take care of him until the man recovered. Jesus asked the people listening to the parable, “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The answer is obvious, the good Samaritan. Jesus concluded his message by saying, “Go and do likewise.” Our neighbor is not just the person living next door to us but anyone we can help. So we must be willing to express kindness and the love of God to those in need.

“Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.” Galatians 6:10 (NLT)

Listen to Deborah’s Podcast at: https://redcircle.com/shows/changing-your-life-with-the-word

Children will love this charming rhyme and humorous read-aloud picture book! When Miss McDoogle gets ready for bed, she wiggles her toes and nods her head. Kids will giggle along with this perfect read-aloud story of the quirky Miss McDoogle and her cat, Jingles. Available at Amazon.com. You never know what Mommy will do next especially when she is behind the wheel! Slow Down Mommy is a picture book filled with hilarious fun as readers go on a wild ride with crazy twists and turns. Available at Walmart.com, Amazon.com, and BarnesandNoble.com.

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Farewell Dear Mother

By an Unknown Author Somewhere in my heart beneath all my grief and pain, Is a smile I still wear at the sound of your dear name. The precious word is ‘MOTHER’, she was my world you see, But now my heart is breaking cause she’s no longer here with me. God chose her for His angel to watch me from above, To guide me and advise me and know that I’m still loved. The day she had to leave me when her life on earth was through, God had better plans for her, for this, I surely knew. When I think of her kind heart and all those loving years, My memories surround me and I can’t hold back the tears. She truly was my best friend, someone I could confide in, She always had a tender touch and a warm and gentle grin. I want to thank you Mother for teaching me so well, And though the time has come that I must bid you this farewell. I’ll remember all you’ve taught me and make you proud you’ll see. Thank you my Dear Mother for all the love you showed me. Although you’ve left this earth and now you’ve taken flight, I know that you are here with me each morning, noon and night. In memory of Margaret Tuicker August 1, 1944 January 29, 2022

Sticks and Stones...

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Do you remember this saying from childhood? It was one I heard often and wanted to believe. But the truth is: Words do hurt, and they hurt the most from people who are the closest to us. They can do lasting damage, and once they are out of our mouths, our words can never be put back. In a recent Sunday School lesson, I gave each child a small tube of toothpaste and asked them to squeeze it out onto a plate. When the last one finished, I calmly asked them to put all the toothpaste they had poured out back in the tube. They began to exclaim things like: like it was before!” “But I can’t!” “It won’t be I then explained, “Your words have the power of life or death. Just like this toothpaste, once the words leave your mouth, you can’t take them back.” A few years ago, I hurt someone very badly in how I handled a situation and my words hurt them deeply. I did all I could to make it right, but unfortunately there are some relationships that cannot be fully put back together the way it was because of a word that cannot be taken back, or a mistake that cannot be undone. It took a long time for me to forgive myself. I know now that we often hurt other people because we ourselves have been hurt. Understanding the root cause of our behavior doesn’t excuse it, but it does lead to greater compassion and selfawareness, and empowers us to move forward. You can’t make anyone forgive you, but you can learn from it. Make the choice every morning that life-giving words will come out of your mouth. Use your words to heal, encourage, inspire, and love others. Use your life to give life to a world that so desperately needs it. You will never regret choosing a kind word.

Paula Enloe is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She has been a paralegal for over 25 years and is a certified family mediator. She and her husband, Noble, speak and minister to churches testifying of how God brought them healing into their home and their marriage, after he was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2016. They count it as their greatest privilege to share the healing and transformational power of the Name of Jesus to each person they come in contact with daily.