2 minute read

Lessons from my mirror

For three years now, I have been watching a tree grow out of a rock outside by our pool. Everyone who sees it comments on how amazing it looks. Growing through a rock was certainly not the best environment for any plant to flourish in, but it keeps growing. It started from one seed planted in a hard place. This sycamore tree that has grown through a rock is what growing in difficult times looks like. You might not see it during the process, but it looks so beautiful and catches the attention of others passing by when they see what you had to go through to become what you were created to be. In order for any seed to develop there must be a growth process. It will take time. In life, it may not seem like you’re making much progress but keep striving, you’re getting stronger every day. When we take small steps of growth every day, over time, we see progress and you begin to change as a person. And when you change yourself, you can change your circumstances. When looking back at my own times of struggle and where I am now, I can appreciate those first signs of growth. Just as this tree was once just a seedling, struggling to push through the crack in the rock, one day you will look back and see just how much you have grown and how much stronger you are because of the struggle. Whatever obstacle you are facing, keep pushing through. Even if you find yourself planted under some rock at the moment, look for the crack in it to grow and bloom where you are planted.

Paula Enloe is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She has been a paralegal for over 25 years and is a certified family mediator. She and her husband, Noble, speak and minister to churches testifying of how God brought them healing into their home and their marriage, after he was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2016. They count it as their greatest privilege to share the healing and transformational power of the Name of Jesus to each person they come in contact with daily.

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