3 minute read

The Digital Divide Magazine - Issue 007



The Digital Divide Magazine had the honour of meeting Anthony Waldhausen, Chairperson of MARRC & would like to thank him and the MARRC Team for the amazing work they have accomplished in our area as well as taking the time to answer our questions. We wish MARRC the best in all future projects.

What does MARRC stand for?

Msunduzi Association of Residents Ratepayers and Civics (MARRC)

What is the purpose of MARRC?

MARRC is a community-led advocacy and movement-building organisation. We work to:

• monitor and provide oversight of the activities of the municipality in accordance with the South African Constitution, the Promotion of Equality and the Prohibition of Unfair Discrimination Act, and any other relevant legislation, bylaws and policies;

• foster community development and uplift communities.

Which areas do you uplift?

MARRC work in all areas of PMB and assist residents to establish constituted resident and ratepayer associations.

What are some of the projects you have done in the past?

• Developed a leadership training programme to train RRA leadership

• Protested against the Maritzburg United FC sponsorship at City Hall on the 1st of October 2021

• Submitted an official complaint to the SA Human Rights Commission on the muncipality illegal disconnections

• Ongoing establishment of resident and ratepayer associations in PMB

• Made a submission of objections to the tariff increases for 2022/2023

What's the future vision & mission for MARRC?

Vision: A Msunduzi Municipal area in which all its people are accorded social justice, respect and dignity by the provision of equitable services.

Mission: Our mission is to engage with the Msunduzi Municipality, Sector Departments, interested and affected parties in accordance with our principles in order to:

• promote services that are efficient, affordable, reliable and cost effective and effected by the transparent levying of justifiable and reasonable, agreed-upon rates that are not inflated;

• enhance public safety for all;

• promote community development and cohesion

• abide by and enforce by-laws and the Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000), including Section 16 which ensures equitable and transparent consultation with the municipality; and

• enhance environmental protection, universal access, sustainability and cleanliness in accordance with National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) and all its updates.

What can one do to help?

One may help by getting involved in their communities and to establish resident and ratepayer associations in their communities or join the RRA Participate in our local events, petitions, protest marches/ pickets. Volunteer and provide ones expertise and skills to MARRCs. Assist with research. Donate or sponsor towards the cause of MARRC. Share resources

Where can we contact you?

Call or WhatsApp: Anthony Waldhausen: 072 536 2978

Website: www.marrc.org.za

Email: info@marrc.org.za

Facebook: www.facebook. com/groups/506241673238313

We believe in the potential to make serious changes to the course of our city, & to contribute to positive change in South Africa – to make Msunduzi (and our country) a place where citizens matter, and are free to live prosperous, dignified lives, within effective local democracies.

If you would like to join this exciting journey and support our work by volunteering, starting an RRA in your area, or making a donation, please contact us.