7 minute readSurrogate Naturefrom designing lighting - AUG/SEP 2023by designing lightingNext ArticleThe Value of Telling a Better Lighting StoryMore articles from this publication:The Value of Telling a Better Lighting Story6minpages 62-63Decarbonization Requires Faster Pace of Retrofits5minpages 52-54Shaping Light and Design with Olivia Barry 6minpages 44-46Light Can Help Us8minpages 48-51BRIDGING TUNNELS AND DESIGN: AUSTRALIA’S SYMPHONY OF LIGHT AND REFLECTION8minpages 34-36Bright Days and Dark Nights for Parkinson's Disease Patients6minpages 20-22More Products Needed to Rein in Light Pollution5minpages 60-61Community Engagement at Bell Tower Green6minpages 24-27Cool Offices For Israeli Techies6minpages 38-40Show moreThis article is from:designing lighting - AUG/SEP 2023by designing lighting