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Please explain why you want to serve on the NPDA Board and what you would like to accomplish:

The powersports industry has provided a good living to me and I feel that I have some knowledge to pass on to the next generation. I also realize that the younger generation don’t fully realize how much work it took to get our current franchise protections in place, and how important it is to protect them. The OEMs leverage the fact that dealers operate in 50 different States, and it’s important that dealers present some form of a unified front to keep them in check.

Please provide a brief biography and your experience in dealership work:

After my Military service I began working in a small dealership in 1992. I then began a progression of moving to larger dealerships which led me to working for America’s PowerSports assisting with deal acquisitions. In 2006 I had the opportunity to partner with Mark Woods in a dealership in New Braunfels, TX, one we have owned ever since. I also facilitate some 20 Groups for Spader, and have some personal involvement with Revvable and Simple Dealer.

Please provide some insight into your leadership style and your participation on other boards:

I prefer to use technology where possible to automate and streamline tasks. I pride myself in my attention to detail, and try to make sure that everything I am involved in is better when I’m done with it than when I started. While opinionated, I’m driven by the facts, and if someone has a better way to do something and can prove to me that it might be a better way, then I’m always game to try something new. I was just voted in on the board of the TMDA but have not yet participated in a meeting. Most of my spare time is consumed by my work with Spader 20 Groups.

Explain your understanding of why NPDA exists and its mission and vision:

I’m assuming that the NPDA will work with dealers to identify top issues and then will attempt to see how those solutions can be implemented. This could involve working with OEM or aftermarket companies. To be honest, the exact mission of the NPDA is not fully clear to me, but it’s a new organization and these things take a bit to work themselves out.

Please explain your participation within NPDA’s programs and services:

I know my strengths and weaknesses. I’m sure there will be different tasks and projects that arise over time. I’ll be happy to volunteer to help in tasks where I feel I have skills to offer, and that work within my current time constraints.

Describe the qualities and strengths (knowledge and skills) you would bring to the NPDA Board:

I have a broad based knowledge base, from tech to retail and I’ve been a lifelong student when it comes to learning. When it comes to using technology to gather data, to analyze information, or to develop systems and guidelines, I’m the guy dealers look to. For metric dealers, also have a deep knowledge of Lightspeed, and many contacts within the industry.

Please describe your understanding of the role of the NPDA Board of Directors:

To be a resource for dealers and a champion for the industry.

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