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Strength for Today; Bright Hope for Tomorrow

In recent days, I have been extremely encouraged by the strength and hope emanating from our churches and our Convention. As we live out the Great Commission and Commandment, DCBC is called to engage, equip and empower our leaders, our churches and our communities. There are many times when this call might seem impossible, perhaps even questionable, but God gives strength for today. Not always in advance, but for today.

Many of you know I like to look to the future and dream new dreams with others as we seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance and wisdom. That also means I like to plan, have all our ducks in a row and make sure we honor God in the process and in the event. In recent months, DCBC’s Ministry Roundtable hosted some major events that required a lot of planning. Anxiety ensued as the registration numbers seemed low less than two weeks out from the event. We wondered and prayed if we should go ahead…BUT GOD. We had more than 75 people register for the Leadership Training Forum!


God showed up and people were transformed by their experiences. Lives were touched and God not only gave strength for the day, but also bright hope for our future as a convention. New people are getting to know each other, and seasoned DCBC folk are also getting to know new people. Iron is sharpening iron as tools and skills are shared in formal gatherings, like the monthly Pastors Chats and Weekly Prayer, and as relationships are being developed.

June and July are filled with opportunities to celebrate how God has worked in the past and to look to the future. We know God is not finished with us but is alive and well and working in and through people like you and me! Blessings all ours with ten thousand beside.

Joy and Grace,

Rev. Dr. Trisha Miller Manarin Executive Director/Minister