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Teaching & Learning in EYFS


Play and inquiry are powerful vehicles for enabling children to learn. Young children learn most effectively when they feel safe, are engaged and are having fun. Children’s learning becomes really meaningful when they are free to inquire and learn at their own pace and in their own way. It is for this reason that learning at DBIS EYFS is facilitated through play and inquiry as well as through quality adult-directed and child-initiated experiences, inspired by the children’s interests and our EYFS curriculum. The children’s strengths are identified so that we can meet each child at their stage of development to ensure success and progress along their personal learning journey.

Discovery Units

Our EYFS curriculum is enhanced by our Discovery units. Through these units, our children learn the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to become aware of the world around them. Our units focus on ways of thinking, communicating, conceiving and realising ideas and information. Our EYFS teachers act as facilitators and co-constructors of learning to assist the children in developing the capacity to design and evaluate processes and inspire creativity and innovation. Different concepts underpin the planning, and the concepts represent big, abstract ideas. Our Discovery units also enable our children to develop the personal skills they need in order to take an active part in their world throughout their lives. They help our children develop an international mindset alongside their awareness of their own self, encouraging them to become lifelong learners.

The Role Of Outdoor Provision

For young children’s wellbeing and development, the outdoor environment is as valued and important as the indoor environment. We ensure that our children have access to high-quality outdoor environments at our EYFS campus. Both the indoor and outdoor environments are carefully planned to ensure their purposeful use. The climate here in Hong Kong provides a wonderfully rich and dynamic environment for exploration, inquiry and discussion.